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"Началось бета-тестирование Devuan, форка Debian без systemd"
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. "Началось бета-тестирование Devuan, форка Debian без systemd" –2 +/
Сообщение от Michael Shigorinemail (ok), 30-Апр-16, 00:04 

I suspect that "We don't know, so assume yes" may indicate that a speaker is trying to avoid a no by avoiding the question – paying lip service to the idea that others have a say in the matter. Related tactics involve withdrawing positive interaction when encountering opposition, insisting there are no alternatives, declaring that everyone else is doing it, promising that everything will be fine and later breaking the promise, denying wrongdoing, denying one's own privileged position and labeling those who do not give in as primarily emotion-driven assholes or haters.

Отличный разбор, спасибо.  В рамочку и на стенку.

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Началось бета-тестирование Devuan, форка Debian без systemd, opennews, 29-Апр-16, 09:33  [смотреть все]
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