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"Компания Microsoft выпустила для Linux среду разработки Visu..."
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. "Компания Microsoft выпустила для Linux среду разработки Visu..." +7 +/
Сообщение от anonymous (??), 29-Апр-15, 23:06 
Вот это шикарно:
The software contains third party components licensed under open source licenses with source code availability obligations. Copies of those licenses are included in the ThirdPartyNotices file or accompanying credits file. You may obtain the complete corresponding source code from us if and as required under the relevant open source licenses by sending a money order or check for $5.00 to: Source Code Compliance Team, Microsoft Corporation, 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 USA. Please write “third party source code for Visual Studio Code” in the memo line of your payment. We may also make the source available at
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Компания Microsoft выпустила для Linux среду разработки Visu..., opennews, 29-Апр-15, 22:32  [смотреть все]
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