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"Сооснователь WhatsApp пожертвовал миллион долларов проекту F..."
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. "Сооснователь WhatsApp пожертвовал миллион долларов проекту F..." +2 +/
Сообщение от MAXITOPemail (?), 18-Ноя-14, 13:11 
А кто его родители что так боялись прослушки КГБ?
Above all else, I want to make sure you understand how deeply I value the principle of private communication. For me, this is very personal. I was born in Ukraine, and grew up in the USSR during the 1980s. One of my strongest memories from that time is a phrase I’d frequently hear when my mother was talking on the phone: “This is not a phone conversation; I’ll tell you in person.” The fact that we couldn’t speak freely without the fear that our communications would be monitored by KGB is in part why we moved to the United States when I was a teenager.
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Сооснователь WhatsApp пожертвовал миллион долларов проекту F..., opennews, 18-Ноя-14, 08:43  [смотреть все]
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