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Выпуск Linux-дистрибутива CRUX 3.1, opennews (??), 18-Июл-14, (0) [смотреть все]

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15. "Выпуск Linux-дистрибутива CRUX 3.1"  +/
Сообщение от SergMarkovemail (ok), 18-Июл-14, 17:11 
SysAdmin skills move up the stack
Even as we move toward higher levels of abstraction, ongoing Linux training is still highly valuable and desirable for admins today and will be well into the future. Knowing the fundamentals is key but as abstraction removes some of the old tasks, this requires sysadmins to move up further in the stack and enhance their skills in the higher level tools and practices. It is critical for a sysadmin to become familiar with the tools that enable these higher levels of abstraction. It pushes them to become more skilled in things like coding so that they can do more with these "new" tools.
Walter Heck is CEO and Founder of OlinData, an authorized Linux Foundation training partner. Here's a list of scheduled official Linux Foundation courses by OlinData.
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20. "Выпуск Linux-дистрибутива CRUX 3.1"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 18-Июл-14, 18:16 
А теперь попроси его сделать все эти high-level-abstraction-tasks на Винде :)
Лососнёт. Это только на юниках работае :)
Однако в том что из супергибкого UNIX-клона Линукс превращают в жалкую тень форточки - опасности не видит ... ню-ню.
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23. "Выпуск Linux-дистрибутива CRUX 3.1"  +2 +/
Сообщение от некто1120 (?), 18-Июл-14, 18:38 
> enhance their skills in the higher level tools and practices

на практике вместо "enhance their skills" происходит "shift their skills"

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