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Обновление стабильной версии проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA ..., opennews (?), 06-Дек-13, (0) [смотреть все]

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3. "Обновление стабильной версии проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA ..."  –1 +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok), 06-Дек-13, 16:31 
Here's the first 1.15 release candidate. I think I got all of the new
work that people have proposed for 1.15 included. If I've missed
something that has been reviewed and is ready for 1.15, please let me
know; it's been a bit more active than usual this week.

Remember that this is the feature freeze; if you've got bug fixes for
the server, please send them in -- we've got until the 28th of November
for bug fixes of any sort, and then until the 24th of December for
critical bug fixes.

Thanks, as always, to our fabulous contributors; it looks like waiting
a few weeks has allowed a bunch of interesting new stuff to get
integrated which should make 1.15 a big step from 1.14. As always,
please try these bits out and report back bugs to bugzilla. I'll be
scanning that for problems and patches as much as I can manage.

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32. "Обновление стабильной версии проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA ..."  –1 +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok), 06-Дек-13, 21:07 
Ой, пропустил. Релиз Кандидат 3 уже.  

Here's 1.15 RC3. It's a day later than I'd hoped, but I spent a bit of
that time reviewing all of the pending patches that I know about and
getting a few more merged in that had seen testing and/or review. There
are still a few more patches that have been sent to the list which
haven't been reviewed.

In any case, we've got a bit less than a week to go before we close
down the non-critical bug window. If you've got changes that you
expect to hit 1.15 and aren't critical bugs (security issues, crashes
or regressions), please speak up and I'll attend to them. That's not a
promise to review and merge them; for those I don't merge, I'll
provide an explanation of why I don't think they are suitable for 1.15.

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57. "Обновление стабильной версии проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA ..."  –3 +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok), 07-Дек-13, 18:48 
Значить так, оптимусдрочеры, слушаем сюда:

The driver may be installed normally on Optimus systems, but the NVIDIA X driver
and the NVIDIA OpenGL driver may not be able to display to the laptop's internal
display panel unless a means to connect the panel to the NVIDIA GPU (for example,
a hardware multiplexer, or "mux", often controllable by a BIOS setting) is available.
On systems without a mux, the NVIDIA GPU can still be useful for offscreen rendering,
running CUDA applications, and other uses that don't require driving a display.

On muxless Optimus laptops, or on laptops where a mux is present, but not set to drive
the internal display from the NVIDIA GPU, the internal display is driven by the
integrated GPU. On these systems, it's important that the X server not be configured
to use the NVIDIA X driver after the driver is installed. Instead, the correct driver
for the integrated GPU should be used. Often, this can be determined automatically by
the X server, and no explicit configuration is required, especially on newer X server
versions. If your X server autoselects the NVIDIA X driver after installation, you may
need to explicitly select the driver for your integrated GPU.

В двух словах - трахайте мозги своему производителю БИОСа и говнобука!!!
Трахайте мозг себе - потому, что перед покупкой не изучили документацию, в том числе на BIOS!  

Если кто ещё скажет про не работу Оптимуса - можете смело причислять его к жирному троллю,
школьнегу, лошаре, "мимопроходил",...

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61. "Обновление стабильной версии проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA ..."  +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 08-Дек-13, 11:45 
> The driver may be installed normally on Optimus systems, but ...

Дальше можно и не читать, ничего нового. Ладно хоть обещают, что драйвер можно установить. Может когда-нибудь наступит светлое будущее и оно еще и работать начнет "из коробки".

И чего ты чуть выше и ниже этого текст решил не копипастить?

- ...functionality may be limited.
- An additional caveat is that existing OpenGL libraries may be overwritten by the install process. If you want to prevent this from happening, e.g., if you intend to use OpenGL on the integrated GPU, you may prevent the installer from installing the OpenGL and GLX libraries by passing the option --no-opengl-files to the .run file, or directly to nvidia-installer

То есть вместо автоматического переключения на лету они объясняют с какими параметрами  драйвера переустанавливать для этого? А теперь для сравнения почитай их собственный маркетинговый трёп про то, как оно на самом деле должно работать:

    Optimus technology is completely automatic allowing you to experience longer battery life and amazing visuals without having to manually change settings.

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62. "Обновление стабильной версии проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA ..."  –2 +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok), 08-Дек-13, 17:19 
"Если кто ещё скажет про не работу Оптимуса - можете смело причислять его к жирному троллю,
школьнегу, лошаре, "мимопроходил",..."
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