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Доступна финальная версия ZFS для Linux, работающая на уровн..., opennews (?), 28-Янв-11, (0) [смотреть все]

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19. "Доступна финальная версия ZFS для Linux, работающая на уровн..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 28-Янв-11, 14:56 
KQ Stor™
Known defects, limitations and work arounds with the core ZFS operations and features.
1. block and char devices
Accessing block and character devices over zfs filesystem are not supported.
2. zfs rollback panic
Under certain conditions zfs rollback might panic the system. Please backup your data before
attempting this and we recommend that you reboot the machine and run zpool scrub after the
3. Migrating data between Solaris and Linux
Although the pool layout in this port is exactly the same as that on Opensolaris, there are subtle
differences. Firstly ACLs are not supported and fuids are never populated in Linux. Please contact
us before you attempt to import a filesystem from Solaris to Linux. Secondly the extended attributes
in Linux are implemented by prefixing the attribute name with the attribute class. e.g. "user."
for user attributes "security." for SELinux security attributes. This imposes the restrition that any
arbitrary named attribute will not exist on Linux, it will have a prefix either "user" or "security".
While the attributes in Opensolaris can have any arbitrary name.
NFS shares related
Know problems and work arounds related export ZFS filesystems over NFS.
1. cannot access .zfs/snapshots over nfs
This limitation will be addressed in future releases. The snapshots directories can only be accessed
from the host machine or if the snapshot mount point has been explicitly exported.
2. zfs share does not work
zfs share command does not export the filesystem marked with sharenfs=on. The exporting is
done at the time zfs set sharenfs=on dataset is executed. Since this internally invokes the exportfs
command the effects are equivalent, if you chose to use exportfs instead of zfs sharenfs=on to
export. This current limitation of "zfs share" not invoking exportfs will be fixed in a minor patch
3. How do I set nfs options while exporting
Currently the nfs integration within the zfs command is limited to invoking exportfs. It does not
give control to set the various options like "no_root_squash" or other exportfs options. If such fine
grained control over the nfs export is required we recommend that you use exportfs directly.
4. Filesystem exported via /etc/fstab doesn't show correctly on client
Depending on your setup the nfs exports might happen before the zfs filesystems are mounted.
This would result in mountpoints for the ZFS filesystems being exported instead. Unexport and
re-export the /etc/fstab entries.
Release Notes
Other Linux features
1. io_submit(2) libaio.h
Posix AIO is fully supported. In the current release Linux AIO support has been disabled. It should
be enabled in one of the minor releases
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24. "Доступна финальная версия ZFS для Linux, работающая на уровн..."  +/
Сообщение от odus (ok), 28-Янв-11, 15:02 
Понятно что за такое короткое время нельзя все сделать и чтобы стабильно работало.
В FreeBSD ZFS до production пилили несколько лет
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27. "Доступна финальная версия ZFS для Linux, работающая на уровн..."  +4 +/
Сообщение от non anon (?), 28-Янв-11, 15:06 
>Under certain conditions zfs rollback might panic the system
>Firstly ACLs are not supported and fuids are never populated in Linux

Думаю, после этих строк не мне одному захотелось сказать этим индусам "засуньте свой порт zfs себе в задницу".

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46. "Доступна финальная версия ZFS для Linux, работающая на уровн..."  –2 +/
Сообщение от User294 (ok), 28-Янв-11, 17:15 
> свой порт zfs себе в задницу".

Тсс! Вы что! Они только вон TM присобачили и попиарились на чужих проблемах, а тут вы с вашими задницами и паниками вылезаете! Как можно?! Вы же испортите индусам бизнес?!

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