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Релиз ядра Linux 5.9, opennews (ok), 12-Окт-20, (0) [смотреть все]

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79. "Релиз ядра Linux 5.9"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 12-Окт-20, 12:55 
вполне себе история с китайским RISC/MIPS32 "China core project", "National 863 and 973 plans", "Unity-863 system chip", "Unity Network Computer", "It indicated the mass production of the CPU ,designed by Peking University itself and thus holds the former‘s intellectual property right. Peking University unity-863 CMOS was then ready for good market. Its success embodies considerable significance for protecting our country‘s information security and improving the key competitive ability, from which the industry can benefit. (2003)" "CMOS chip 863CPU went into batch production and good market", "Beijing Volkswagen-863CPU""Xue-Tao+Gua...
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122. "Релиз ядра Linux 5.9"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 12-Окт-20, 15:40 
вот ещё про китайские процессоры, включая "The Unity/PKUnity Processor Family"
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