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Релиз Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS , opennews (?), 06-Авг-20, (0) [смотреть все]

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129. "Релиз Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS "  +/
Сообщение от Валик (?), 07-Авг-20, 08:04 
> В ядре 5.7 важные исправления для Intel haswell.

какие исправления? пишу с haswell - с момента покупки ноута (уж года 3...) все как работало идеально, так и продолжает. и даже SSD не сдох (покупался уже будучи б/у), тогда как давно был должен помереть из-за якобы кривой работы свопа, как утверждает вруша выше.

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138. "Релиз Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS "  +/
Сообщение от Annms_tmp (?), 07-Авг-20, 08:45 
>"But what is surprising is the "the introduction of binary blobs as arrays of numbers in source code for gen7 i915 gpus." That is actually the Intel Haswell / Ivybridge iGPU Leak mitigation that was worked around for addressing CVE-2019-14615, a.k.a. the Intel iGPU information leakage vulnerability from a few months ago that was corrected promptly for modern Intel Gen graphics but the Gen7/Gen7.5 mitigation took much longer due to working around huge performance penalties initially that occurred.

Those performance issues were resolved and the Intel Ivybridge/Haswell iGPU Leak mitigation was merged in Linux 5.7 to prevent those users on these older generation graphics from potentially being compromised. But GNU Linux-libre 5.7 is unprotected now over the handling of it.

The "the introduction of binary blobs as arrays of numbers" are compiled kernels for clearing EU/L3 residual contexts in addressing this vulnerability. As noted in the source code, these kernels were compiled using Intel's open-source IGT and are precompiled for Haswell and Ivy Bridge for quickly and easily emitting from their kernel driver."

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