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Выпуск VirtualBox 6.1.12, opennews (ok), 15-Июл-20, (0) [смотреть все]

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65. "Выпуск VirtualBox 6.1.12"  +/
Сообщение от AnonPlus (?), 15-Июл-20, 18:07 
Hyper-V - baremetal-гипервизор со всеми вытекающими плюсами и минусами.

Таким образом, его корректно сравнивать не с VMWare, а с ESXi

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69. "Выпуск VirtualBox 6.1.12"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (69), 15-Июл-20, 19:00 
> Hyper-V implements isolation of virtual machines in terms of a partition. A partition is a logical unit of isolation, supported by the hypervisor, in which each guest operating system executes. There must be at least one parent partition in a hypervisor instance, running a supported version of Windows Server (2008 and later). The virtualization software runs in the parent partition and has direct access to the hardware devices. The parent partition creates child partitions which host the guest OSs. A parent partition creates child partitions using the hypercall API, which is the application programming interface exposed by Hyper-V.[9]


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