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Рейтинг языков программирования 2018 года от издания IEEE Sp..., opennews (ok), 02-Авг-18, (0) [смотреть все]

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123. "Рейтинг языков программирования 2018 года от издания IEEE Sp..."  –2 +/
Сообщение от myhand (ok), 03-Авг-18, 14:10 
SICP в MIT последнее время читали на питоне.  Но разве профессора MIT - ровня аналлитекам с ЛОР^Wопеннета?
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129. "Рейтинг языков программирования 2018 года от издания IEEE Sp..."  +1 +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 03-Авг-18, 15:00 
> SICP в MIT последнее время читали на питоне.  Но разве профессора
> MIT - ровня аналлитекам с ЛОР^Wопеннета?

" And why Python, then? Well, said Sussman, it probably just had a library already implemented for the robotics interface, that was all. "

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184. "Рейтинг языков программирования 2018 года от издания IEEE Sp..."  –1 +/
Сообщение от myhand (ok), 04-Авг-18, 10:09 
Все несколько сложнее чем вам сорока наболтала:
"When we conceived of scheme in the 1970’s, programming was a very different exercise than it is now.  Then, what generaly happened was a programmer would think for a really long time, and then write just a little bit of code, and in practical terms, programming involved assembling many very small pieces into a larger whole that had aggregate (did he say ‘emergent’?) behaviour.  It was a much simpler time.
The world isn’t like that anymore.  At some point along the way (he may have referred to the 1990’s specifically), the systems that were being built and the libraries and components that one had available to build systems were so large, that it was impossible for any one programmer to be aware of all of the individual pieces, never mind understand them.
Beyond that, the world is messier in general.  There’s massive amounts of data floating around, and the kinds of problems that we’re trying to solve are much sloppier, and the solutions a lot less discrete than they used to be.
Robotics is a primary example of the combination of these two factors. So, a committee got together and decided that python was the most appropriate choice for future undergraduate education."

Занятно как риторический вопрос интервьюера с его ответом преобразился на просторах интернетов в то, что вы процитировали.

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