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Релиз архиватора p7zip 15.09, opennews (ok), 25-Дек-15, (0) [смотреть все] +1

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105. "Релиз архиватора p7zip 15.09"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 25-Дек-15, 23:50 
LZMS - это "улучшенный" LZMA от MS?
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114. "Релиз архиватора p7zip 15.09"  +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 26-Дек-15, 05:39 
> LZMS - это "улучшенный" LZMA от MS?

LZMS is an undocumented compression format that Microsoft released in 2012 or 2013. It perhaps could be described as Microsoft's answer to LZMA (i.e. the format used in 7z and xz files), although LZMS usually produces a worse compression ratio than LZMA. Like LZMA, LZMS is an LZ77-based algorithm. It achieves a relatively high compression ratio by relying on a large LZ77 dictionary size (up to 67,108,864 bytes) and statistically modelling the LZ77 stream of literals and matches. Unlike LZMA but like some LZMA competitors such as LZHAM, LZMS uses Huffman coding in addition to the more concise arithmetic coding, presumably to make decompression faster. The Huffman codes are rebuilt periodically and are not stored with the compressed data. The format includes a preprocessing step for x86 and x86_64 machine code. It does not include a "delta" filter for multimedia data but rather allows a special "delta" match type in addition to the traditional LZ77 match type.

// b.

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