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"Samba + AC = Failed to verify incoming ticket!"
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. "Samba + AC = Failed to verify incoming ticket!" +/
Сообщение от mxmemail (ok), 30-Май-04, 15:18 
>>вот что работает у меня:
>>RedHat Enterprise ES v3
>>samba 3.0.2-6.3E
>>и все работает как часы
>Скажи версию и производителя твоей реализации керберос.
>у меня heimdal-0.6, несмотря на заверение самба-тим и сборщиков моего
>дистра (SuSE

It`s work for me and my PDC(win2003) and others:

usrv# uname -mrs          
FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE i386

usrv# /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -V
Version 3.0.4            

usrv# cat /usr/ports/security/heimdal/distinfo              
MD5 (heimdal-0.6.1.tar.gz) = 20ef3dade89afc45eac9d8935a1a9cc0
SIZE (heimdal-0.6.1.tar.gz) = 3312603

usrv# cat /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf          
# Global parameters                    
        acl compatibility = win2k      
        algorithmic rid base = 1000    
        allow trusted domains = Yes    
        announce as = NT              
        announce version = 4.9        
        available = Yes                
        bind interfaces only = No      
        block size = 1024              
        blocking locks = Yes          
        browse list = Yes              
        browseable = Yes              
        case sensitive = No            
        change notify timeout = 60    
        client lanman auth = Yes      
        client NTLMv2 auth = No        
        client plaintext auth = Yes    
        client schannel = Auto        
        client signing = auto          
        client use spnego = No        
        comment = SMB server          
        create mask = 0744            
        csc policy = manual            
        deadtime = 0                  
        debug hires timestamp = No    
        debug pid = No                
        debug uid = No                
        default case = lower          
        default devmode = No          
        delete readonly = Yes          
        delete veto files = No        
        directory mask = 0755          
        directory security mask = 0777
        disable netbios = No          
        disable spoolss = No          
        display charset = KOI8-R                                
        dns proxy = Yes                                          
        domain logons = No                                      
        domain master = No                                      
        dont descend = /proc,/dev                                
        dos charset = CP866                                      
        dos filemode = No                                        
        dos filetime resolution = No                            
        dos filetimes = No                                      
        ea support = No                                          
        encrypt passwords = Yes                                  
        enhanced browsing = Yes                                  
        enumports command = No                                  
        fake directory create times = No                        
        fake oplocks = No                                        
        follow symlinks = Yes                                    
        force create mode = 00                                  
        force directory mode = 00                                
        force directory security mode = 00                      
        force security mode = 00                                
        fstype = NTFS                                            
        getwd cache = Yes                                        
        guest account = nobody                                  
        guest ok = No                                            
        guest only = No                                          
        hide dot files = No                                      
        hide special files = No                                  
        hide unreadable = No                                    
        hide unwriteable files = No                              
        host msdfs = No                                          
        hostname lookups = No                                    
        hosts allow =
        idmap gid = 10000-20000                                  
        idmap uid = 10000-20000                                  
        inherit acls = Yes                                      
        inherit permissions = Yes                                
        keepalive = 300                                          
        kernel change notify = Yes                              
        kernel oplocks = Yes                                    
        lanman auth = Yes                                        
        large readwrite = Yes                                    
        ldap delete dn = No                                      
        ldap filter = (uid=%u)                                  
        ldap passwd sync = no                      
        ldap port = 636                            
        ldap replication sleep = 1000              
        ldap ssl = Yes                              
        level2 oplocks = Yes                        
        lm announce = Auto                          
        lm interval = 60                            
        load printers = Yes                        
        local master = No                          
        lock directory = /usr/local/samba/var/locks
        lock spin count = 10                        
        lock spin time = 40                        
        locking = Yes                              
        log file = /usr/local/samba/var/sambazzz.log
        log level = 2                              
        logon home = \\%N\%U                        
        logon path = \\%N\%U\profile                
        lpq cache time = 10                        
        machine password timeout = 604800          
        mangle case = No                            
        mangle prefix = 1                          
        mangled names = Yes                        
        mangling char = ~                          
        mangling method = hash2                    
        map acl inherit = No                        
        map archive = Yes                          
        map hidden = No                            
        map system = No                            
        map to guest = Never                        
        max connections = 0                        
        max disk size = 0                          
        max log size = 5000                        
        max mux = 50                                
        max open files = 20000                      
        max print jobs = 1000                      
        max protocol = NT1                          
        max reported print jobs = 0                
        max smbd processes = 0                      
        max ttl = 259200                            
        max wins ttl = 518400                      
        max xmit = 16644                            
        min passwd length = 5                      
        min print space = 0                        
        min protocol = CORE                        
        min wins ttl = 21600                        
        msdfs root = No                                                
        name cache timeout = 660                                      
        name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast                  
        netbios name = USRV                                            
        netbios scope = MH                                            
        NIS homedir = No                                              
        nt acl support = Yes                                          
        nt pipe support = Yes                                          
        nt status support = Yes                                        
        ntlm auth = Yes                                                
        null passwords = Yes                                          
        obey pam restrictions = No                                    
        oplock break wait time = 0                                    
        oplock contention limit = 2                                    
        oplocks = Yes                                                  
        os level = 20                                                  
        pam password change = No                                      
        paranoid server security = No                                  
        passdb backend = tdbsam                                        
        passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n *new*password* %n\n *changed*
        passwd chat debug = No                                        
        passwd chat timeout = 2                                        
        password level = 0                                            
        password server = PDC-NETBIOSNAME
        pid directory = /usr/local/samba/var/locks                    
        posix locking = Yes                                            
        preexec close = No                                            
        preferred master = Auto                                        
        preserve case = Yes                                            
        printable = No                                                
        printcap name = cups                                          
        printing = cups                                                
        private dir = /usr/local/samba/private                        
        profile acls = No                                              
        protocol = NT1                                                
        read bmpx = No                                                
        read only = No                                                
        read raw = Yes                                                
        realm = MYDOMAIN.DOM                                        
        restrict anonymous = 0                                        
        root preexec close = No                            
        security = ADS                                      
        security mask = 0777                                
        server schannel = Auto                              
        server signing = Auto                              
        server string = Samba 3.0.4                        
        set directory = No                                  
        share modes = Yes                                  
        short preserve case = Yes                          
        show add printer wizard = Yes                      
        smb passwd file = /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd
        smb ports = 445 139                                
        socket address =                            
        socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY        
        stat cache = Yes                                    
        store dos attributes = No                          
        strict allocate = No                                
        strict locking = Yes                                
        strict sync = No                                    
        sync always = No                                    
        syslog = 1                                          
        syslog only = No                                    
        template homedir = /home/%D/%U                      
        template primary group = nobody                    
        template shell = /bin/false                        
        time offset = 0                                    
        time server = No                                    
        timestamp logs = Yes                                
        unix charset = KOI8-R                              
        unix extensions = Yes                              
        unix password sync = No                            
        update encrypted = Yes                              
        use client driver = No                              
        use mmap = Yes                                      
        use sendfile = No                                  
        use spnego = Yes                                    
        username level = 0                                  
        utmp = No                                          
        valid users = '@MYDOMAIN\Domain Users'            
        wide links = Yes                                    
        winbind cache time = 300                            
        winbind enable local accounts = Yes                
        winbind enum groups = Yes                          
        winbind enum users = Yes                            
        winbind nested groups = Yes                        
        winbind separator = \                              
        winbind trusted domains only = No                  
        winbind use default domain = Yes                    
        winbind uid = 10000-30000
        winbind gid = 10000-30000
        wins proxy = No          
        wins server = my.pdc.ip.address
        wins support = No        
        workgroup = MYDOMAIN
        write cache size = 0    
        write raw = Yes          
        wtmp directory =        
    path = /usr/tmp              
    readonly = false            

usrv# cat /etc/krb5.conf                                    
        default_realm = MYDOMAIN.DOM                      
        clockskew = 300                                      
        v4_instance_resolve = false                          
        v4_name_convert = {                                  
                host = {                                    
                        rcmd = host                          
                        ftp = ftp                            
                plain = {                                    
                        something = something-else          
        MYDOMAIN.DOM = {                                  
                kdc = PDC-NETBIOSNAME.MYDOMAIN.DOM                    
                v4_instance_resolve = false                  
        OTHER.REALM = {                                      
                v4_instance_resolve = false                  
                v4_instance_convert = {                      
                        kerberos = kerberos                  
                        computer = computer.some.other.domain
        .mydomain.dom = MYDOMAIN.DOM                    

usrv# cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep winbind
passwd:     files winbind nisplus nis      
group:      files winbind nisplus nis      

usrv# ls /usr/local/lib/*winbind*                                      
/usr/local/lib/       /usr/local/lib/
/usr/local/lib/     /usr/local/lib/
/usr/local/lib/     /usr/local/lib/  

usrv# id Guest                                                      
uid=10014(Guest) gid=10006(Domain Guests) groups=10006(Domain Guests)

usrv# id Administrator
uid=10006(Administrator) gid=10005(Domain Users)
groups=10005(Domain Users), 10002(Schema Admins),
10003(Enterprise Admins), 10004(Domain Admins),
10007(Group Policy Creator Owners)

usrv# /samba/bin/smbclient -L \\usrv                      
Anonymous login successful                                
Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.4]        
        Sharename       Type      Comment                  
        ---------       ----      -------                  
        test            Disk      SMB server              
        IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba 3.0.4)
        ADMIN$          IPC       IPC Service (Samba 3.0.4)
Anonymous login successful                                
Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.4]        
        Server               Comment                      
        ---------            -------                      
        host01               some host 01
        USRV                 Samba 3.0.4                  
        Workgroup            Master                        
        ---------            -------                      
        MYDOMAIN             PDC-NETBIOSNAME

Maybe, something isn`t correct -- so, I apologized.

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Samba + AC = Failed to verify incoming ticket!, FdF, 19-Май-04, 20:13  [смотреть все]
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