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"Линус Торвальдс отметил влияние GPL на успех ядра Linux"
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. "Линус Торвальдс отметил влияние GPL на успех ядра Linux" –2 +/
Сообщение от soarin (ok), 28-Авг-16, 14:53 
Ну не катит...

> On February 23, 1998, Netscape created the Mozilla Organization to co-ordinate the development of the Mozilla Application Suite.[4][5] When AOL (Netscape's parent) drastically scaled back its involvement with Mozilla Organization, the Mozilla Foundation was launched on July 15, 2003 to ensure Mozilla could survive without Netscape. AOL assisted in the initial creation of the Mozilla Foundation, transferring hardware and intellectual property to the organization, employed a three-person team for the first three months of its existence to help with the transition, and donated $2 million to the Foundation over two years

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Линус Торвальдс отметил влияние GPL на успех ядра Linux, opennews, 28-Авг-16, 11:09  [смотреть все]
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