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"Релиз FreeBSD 14.0"
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. "Релиз FreeBSD 14.0" +1 +/
Сообщение от BorichL (ok), 21-Ноя-23, 17:49 
> На заборе тоже написано, а за ним даже дров нету. В самосбор
> все научились, ну напишу я в uname "Analix ZHMU/Perdolix", что с
> того?
> Юникс это поделие AT&T и ничто другое. SCO ещё какие-то права предъявляли.
> Остальное - *-like.

The Berkeley Software Distribution or Berkeley Standard Distribution[1] (BSD) is a discontinued operating system based on Research Unix, developed and distributed by the Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG) at the University of California, Berkeley. The term "BSD" commonly refers to its open-source descendants, including FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, and DragonFly BSD.

BSD was initially called Berkeley Unix because it was based on the source code of the original Unix developed at Bell Labs. In the 1980s, BSD was widely adopted by workstation vendors in the form of proprietary Unix variants such as DEC Ultrix and Sun Microsystems SunOS due to its permissive licensing and familiarity to many technology company founders and engineers.

Relationship to Research Unix

Starting with the 8th Edition, versions of Research Unix at Bell Labs had a close relationship to BSD. This began when 4.1cBSD for the VAX was used as the basis for Research Unix 8th Edition. This continued in subsequent versions, such as the 9th Edition, which incorporated source code and improvements from 4.3BSD. The result was that these later versions of Research Unix were closer to BSD than they were to System V. In a Usenet posting from 2000, Dennis Ritchie described this relationship between BSD and Research Unix:[17][better source needed]

    Research Unix 8th Edition started from (I think) BSD 4.1c, but with enormous amounts scooped out and replaced by our own stuff. This continued with 9th and 10th. The ordinary user command-set was, I guess, a bit more BSD-flavored than SysVish, but it was pretty eclectic.

А вот в отношение linux ты будешь прав, это поделка по мотивам.

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Релиз FreeBSD 14.0, opennews, 21-Ноя-23, 07:52  [смотреть все]
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