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zshbuiltins (1)
  • >> zshbuiltins (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • zshbuiltins (1) ( Разные man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         zshbuiltins - zsh built-in functions
         - simple command
              See the secion PRECOMMAND MODIFIERS in zshmisc(1).
         . file [ arg ... ]
              Read commands from file and execute them in the current
              shell  environment.   If file does not contain a slash,
              or if PATH_DIRS is set, the shell  looks  in  the  com-
              ponents  of path to find the directory containing file.
              Files in the current directory are not read unless  "."
              appears  somewhere  in  path.  If any arguments arg are
              given, they become the positional parameters;  the  old
              positional  parameters  are  restored  when the file is
              done executing.  The exit status is the exit status  of
              the last command executed.
         : [ arg ... ]
              This command only expands parameters.  A zero exit code
              is returned.
         alias [ -gmrL ] [ name[=value] ] ...
              For each name with a  corresponding  value,  define  an
              alias  with  that  value.   A  trailing  space in value
              causes the next word to be checked for alias  substitu-
              tion.   If  the  -g  flag  is  present, define a global
              alias; global aliases are expanded even if they do  not
              occur  in  command  position.   For  each  name with no
              value, print the value of name, if any.  With no  argu-
              ments,  print all currently defined aliases.  If the -m
              flag is given the arguments are taken as patterns (they
              should  be  quoted  to  preserve them from being inter-
              preted as glob patterns) and the aliases matching these
              patterns are printed.  When printing aliases and the -g
              or -r flags are present, then restrict the printing  to
              global  or  regular  aliases,  respectively.  If the -L
              flag is present, then print  each  alias  in  a  manner
              suitable  for  putting  in  a startup script.  The exit
              status is nonzero if a name (with no  value)  is  given
              for which no alias has been defined.
         autoload [ name ... ]
              For each of the names (which are names  of  functions),
              create a function marked undefined.  The fpath variable
              will be searched to find the actual function definition
              when  the function is first referenced.  The definition
              is contained in a file of the same name  as  the  func-
              tion.  If the file found contains a standard definition
              for the function, that is stored as the function;  oth-
              erwise,  the  contents of the entire file are stored as
              the function.  The latter format allows functions to be
              used directly as scripts.
         bg [ job ... ]
         job ... &
              Put each  specified  job  in  the  background,  or  the
              current job if none is specified.
         bindkey -mevd
         bindkey -r in-string ...
         bindkey [ -a ] in-string [ command ] ...
         bindkey -s [ -a ] in-string out-string ...
              The -e and -v options put the keymaps in emacs mode  or
              vi  mode  respectively;  they cannot be used simultane-
              ously.  The  -d  option  resets  all  bindings  to  the
              compiled-in  settings.  If  not used with options -e or
              -v, the maps will be left in emacs mode, or in vi  mode
              if the VISUAL or EDITOR variables exist and contain the
              string "vi".  Metafied characters are  bound  to  self-
              insert  by default. The -m option loads the compiled-in
              bindings of these characters for the mode determined by
              the  preceding  options,  or  the  current mode if used
              alone. Any previous bindings done by the user  will  be
              preserved.  If the -r option is given, remove any bind-
              ing for each in-string. If the -s option is not  speci-
              fied, bind each in-string to a specified command. If no
              command is specified, print the binding of in-string if
              it is bound, or return a nonzero exit code if it is not
              bound. If the -s option is  specified,  bind  each  in-
              string  to each specified out-string. When in-string is
              typed, out-string will be pushed back  and  treated  as
              input  to  the  line  editor. This process is recursive
              but, to avoid infinite loops, the shell will report  an
              error  if more than 20 consecutive replacements happen.
              If the -a option is specified, bind the  in-strings  in
              the  alternative  keymap  instead  of the standard one.
              The alternative keymap is used in vi command mode.
              It's possible for an in-string to be bound to something
              and  also be the beginning of a longer bound string. In
              this case the shell will wait a certain time to see  if
              more  characters  are  typed and if not it will execute
              the binding. This timeout is defined by the  KEYTIMEOUT
              parameter;  its  default is 0.4 sec. No timeout is done
              if the prefix string is not bound.
              For either in-string or out-string, control  characters
              may  be specified in the form ^X, and the backslash may
              be used  to  introduce  one  of  the  following  escape
                   \a   bell character
                   \n   linefeed (newline)
                   \b   backspace
                   \t   horizontal tab
                   \v   vertical tab
                   \f   form feed
                   \r   carriage return
                   \e, \E
                   \NNN character code in octal
                   \xNN character code in hexadecimal
                        character or escape sequence  with  meta  bit
                        set. The `-' after the `M' is optional.
                   \C-X control character.  The `-' after the `C'  is
              In all other cases, \ escapes the following  character.
              Delete  is written as `^?'. Note that `\M^?' and `^\M?'
              are not the same.
              Multi-character  in-strings  cannot  contain  the  null
              character  ("^@"  or "^ "). If they appear in a bindkey
              command, they will be silently translated  to  "\M-^@".
              This   restriction   does  not  apply  to  out-strings,
              single-character in-strings and the first character  of
              a multi-char in-string.
         break [ n ]
              Exit from an enclosing for, while,  until,  select,  or
              repeat  loop.   If  n is specified, then break n levels
              instead of just one.
         builtin name [ args ] ...
              Executes the builtin name, with the given args.
         bye  Same as exit.
         cd [ arg ]
         cd old new
         cd _n
              Change the  current  directory.   In  the  first  form,
              change the current directory to arg, or to the value of
              HOME if arg is not specified.  If arg is -,  change  to
              the  value  of  OLDPWD,  the  previous directory.  If a
              directory named arg is not found in the current  direc-
              tory  and  arg does not begin with a slash, search each
              component of the shell parameter cdpath.  If the option
              CDABLEVARS  is  set,  and  a parameter named arg exists
              whose value begins with a slash, treat its value as the
              The second form of cd substitutes the  string  new  for
              the  string  old  in the name of the current directory,
              and tries to change to this new directory.
              The third form of cd extracts an entry from the  direc-
              tory stack, and changes to that directory.  An argument
              of the form +n identifies a  stack  entry  by  counting
              from  the  left  of the list shown by the dirs command,
              starting with zero.  An argument of the form -n  counts
              from  the right.  If the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the
              meanings of + and - in this context are swapped.
              Same as cd.
         command simple command
              See the secion PRECOMMAND MODIFIERS in zshmisc(1).
              Compctl has it's own man page.  Check zshcompctl(1).
         continue [ num ]
              Resume the next iteration of the enclosing for,  while,
              until,  select,  or  repeat  loop.   If n is specified,
              break out of n - 1 loops and resume at the nth  enclos-
              ing loop.
         declare [ arg ... ]
              Same as typeset.
         dirs [ -v ] [ arg ... ]
              With no arguments, print the contents of the  directory
              stack.   If  the  -v option is given, number the direc-
              tories in the stack  when  printing.   Directories  are
              added to this stack with the pushd command, and removed
              with the cd or popd commands.  If arguments are  speci-
              fied,  load  them  onto  the directory stack, replacing
              anything that was there, and push the current directory
              onto the stack.
         disable [ -afmr ] arg ...
              Disable the hash table element named  arg  temporarily.
              The  default  is  to  disable  builtin  commands.  This
              allows you to use an external  command  with  the  same
              name  as  a builtin command.  The -a option causes dis-
              able to act on aliases.  The -f option  causes  disable
              to  act on shell functions.  The -r options causes dis-
              able to act on reserved words.  Without  arguments  all
              disabled  hash  table  elements  from the corresponding
              hash table are printed.  With the -m flag the arguments
              are  taken  as  patterns  (should be quoted to preserve
              them from being taken as glob patterns)  and  all  hash
              table elements from the corresponding hash table match-
              ing these patterns are disabled.  Disabled objects  can
              be enabled with the enable command.
         disown [ job ... ]
         job ... &|
         job ... &!
              Remove the specified jobs from the job table; the shell
              will  no  longer report their status, and will not com-
              plain if you try to exit an interactive shell with them
              running  or  stopped.   If no job is specified, use the
              current job.
         echo [ -neE ] [ arg ... ]
              Write each arg on the standard  output,  with  a  space
              separating  each  one.   If the -n flag is not present,
              print a newline at the end.  echo recognizes  the  fol-
              lowing escape sequences:
              \a   bell character
              \b   backspace
              \c   don't print an ending newline
              \e   escape
              \f   form feed
              \n   newline
              \r   carriage return
              \t   horizontal tab
              \v   vertical tab
              \\   backslash
                   character code in octal, with a maximum  of  three
                   digits  after  the  zero;  a  non-octal digit ter-
                   minates the number
              \xNN character code in hexadecimal, with a  maximum  of
                   two  digits after the `x'; a non-hexadecimal digit
                   terminates the number.
              The -E falg or the BSD_ECHO option can be used to  dis-
              able  these escape sequences. In the later case -e flag
              can be used to enable them.
         echotc cap [ arg ... ]
              Output the termcap string corresponding to the capabil-
              ity cap, with optional arguments.
         emulate [ -LR ] [ zsh | sh | ksh | csh ]
              Set up zsh options to emulate the  specified  shell  as
              much  as  possible.   csh will never be fully emulated.
              If the argument is not one of the shells listed  above,
              zsh  will  be  used  as a default.  If the -R option is
              given, all options are reset  to  their  default  value
              corresponding  to  the specified emulation mode, except
              for certain options describing the interactive environ-
              ment;  otherwise,  only  those  options likely to cause
              portability  problems  in  scripts  and  functions  are
              altered.   If  the  -L  option  is  given,  the  option
              LOCAL_OPTIONS will be set as well, causing  the  effect
              of  the  emulate command to be local to the immediately
              surrounding shell function, if any;  normally  this  is
              turned off in all emulation modes except ksh.
         enable [ -afmr ] arg ...
              Enable the hash table  element  named  arg,  presumably
              disabled  earlier  with  disable.   The  default  is to
              enable builtin commands.  The -a option  causes  enable
              to  act on aliases.  The -f option causes enable to act
              on shell functions.  The -r option causes enable to act
              on  reserved  words.  Without arguments all enable hash
              table elememts from the corresponding  hash  table  are
              printed.   With  the -m flag the arguments are taken as
              patterns (should be quoted) and all hash table elements
              from  the  corresponding hash table matching these pat-
              terns are enabled.  Enabled  objects  can  be  disabled
              with the disable builtin command.
         eval [ arg ... ]
              Read the arguments as input to the  shell  and  execute
              the resulting command(s) in the current shell process.
         exec simple command
              See the secion PRECOMMAND MODIFIERS in zshmisc(1).
         exit [ n ]
              Exit the shell with the exit code specified  by  n;  if
              none is specified, use the exit code from the last com-
              mand executed.  An EOF condition will  also  cause  the
              shell to exit, unless the IGNOREEOF option is set.
         export [ name[=value] ... ]
              The specified names are marked for automatic export  to
              the  environment  of  subsequently  executed  commands.
              export is equivalent to typeset -x.
              Do nothing and return an exit code of 1.
         fc [ -e ename ] [ -
              nlrdDfEim ] [ old=new ... ] [ first [ last ] ]
         fc -ARWI [ filename ]
              Select a range of commands from first to last from  the
              history  list.   The  arguments  first  and last may be
              specified as a number  or  as  a  string.   A  negative
              number  is  used  as  an  offset to the current history
              event number.  A string specifies the most recent event
              beginning  with  the  given  string.  All substitutions
              old=new, if any, are then performed  on  the  commands.
              If  the  -l  flag  is given, the resulting commands are
              listed on standard output.  If  the  -m  flag  is  also
              given  the first argument is taken as a pattern (should
              be quoted) and only the history  events  matching  this
              pattern  will  be  shown.  Otherwise the editor program
              ename is invoked on a  file  containing  these  history
              events.  If ename is not given, the value of the param-
              eter FCEDIT is used.  If ename is  "-",  no  editor  is
              invoked.    When   editing   is  complete,  the  edited
              command(s) is executed. If first is not  specified,  it
              will be set to -1 (the most recent event), or to -16 if
              the -l flag is given.  If last  is  not  specified,  it
              will be set to first, or to -1 if the -l flag is given.
              The flag -r reverses the order of the commands and  the
              flag  -n suppresses command numbers when listing.  Also
              when listing, -d prints timestamps  for  each  command,
              and -f prints full time-date stamps. Adding the -E flag
              causes the dates to be printed as `', instead
              of the default `mm/dd/yyyy'.  Adding the -i flag causes
              the dates to be printed as  `yyyy-mm-dd',  in  a  fixed
              format.  With the -D flag, fc prints elapsed times.
              fc -R reads the history from  the  given  file,  fc  -W
              writes  the  history  out  to the given file, and fc -A
              appends the history out to  the  given  file.   fc  -AI
              (-WI)  appends  (writes) only those events that are new
              since last incremental append (write)  to  the  history
              file.  In  any  case  the  file  will have no more than
              SAVEHIST entries.
         fg [ job ... ]
         job ...
              Bring the specified jobs to the foreground.  If no  job
              is specified, use the current job.
         functions [ _tum ] [ name ... ]
              Equivalent to typeset -f.
         getln name ...
              Read the top value from the buffer stack and put it  in
              the  shell parameter name.  Equivalent to read -zr. The
              flags -c, -l, -A, -e, -E, and -n are supported, too.
         getopts optstring name [ arg ... ]
              Checks arg for legal options.  If arg is  omitted,  use
              the  positional  parameters.   A  valid option argument
              begins with a + or a -.  An argument not beginning with
              a + or a -, or the argument --, ends the options.  opt-
              string contains the letters  that  getopts  recognizes.
              If  a  letter  is  followed  by  a  `:', that option is
              expected to have  an  argument.   The  options  can  be
              separated from the argument by blanks.
              Each time it is  invoked,  getopts  places  the  option
              letter  it finds in the shell parameter name, prepended
              with a + when arg begins with a +.  The  index  of  the
              next  arg is stored in OPTIND.  The option argument, if
              any, is stored in OPTARG.
              A leading : in optstring causes getopts  to  store  the
              letter of the invalid option in OPTARG, and to set name
              to `?' for an unknown option and to `:' when a required
              option  is missing.  Otherwise, getopts prints an error
              message.  The exit status is nonzero when there are  no
              more options.
         hash [ -dfmr ] [ name[=value] ] ...
              With no arguments or options, hash will list the entire
              command hash table.
              The -m option causes the arguments to be taken as  pat-
              terns  (they  should be quoted) and the elements of the
              command hash table matching these patterns are printed.
              The -r option causes  the  command  hash  table  to  be
              thrown  out  and  restarted.   The -f option causes the
              entire path to be searched, and all the commands  found
              are  added  to the hash table.  These options cannot be
              used with any arguments.
              For each name with a corresponding value, put  name  in
              the  command  hash table, associating it with the path-
              name value.  Whenever name is used as a  command  argu-
              ment,  the  shell will try to execute the file given by
              value.  For each  name  with  no  corresponding  value,
              search  for name in the path, and add it to the command
              hash table, and  associating  it  with  the  discovered
              path, if it is found.
              Adding the -d option causes hash to act  on  the  named
              directory table instead of the command hash table.  The
              remaing discussion of hash will assume that the  -d  is
              If invoked without any arguments, and without any other
              options,  hash  -d  lists  the  entire  named directory
              The -m option causes the arguments to be taken as  pat-
              terns  (they  should be quoted) and the elements of the
              named  directory  table  matching  these  patterns  are
              The -r option causes the named directory  table  to  be
              thrown  out and restarted so that it only contains `~'.
              The -f option causes all usernames to be added  to  the
              named  directory  table.   There options cannot be used
              with any arguments.
              For each name with a corresponding value, put  name  in
              the  named directory table.  The directory name name is
              then associated with the specified path value, so  that
              value  may  be  referred  to as `~name'.  For each name
              with no corresponding value, search for as  a  username
              and as a parameter.  If it is found, it is added to the
              named directory hash table.
         history [ -nrdDfEim ] [ first [ last ] ]
              Same as fc -l.
         integer [ _lrtux ] [ name[=value] ] ...
              Same as typeset -i, except that options  irrelevant  to
              integers are not permitted.
         jobs [ -lprs ] [ job ... ]
              Lists information about each given job, or all jobs  if
              job is omitted.  The -l flag lists process ids, and the
              -p flag lists process groups.  If the -r flag is speci-
              fied  only  running  jobs  will be listed and if the -s
              flag is given only stopped jobs are shown.
         kill [ -s signal_name ] job ...
         kill [ -sig ] job ...
         kill -l [ sig ... ]
              Sends either SIGTERM or the  specified  signal  to  the
              given  jobs  or processes.  Signals are given by number
              or by names, without the SIG  prefix.   If  the  signal
              being  sent  is  not KILL or CONT, then the job will be
              sent a CONT signal if it is stopped.  The argument  job
              can be the process id of a job not in the job list.  In
              the third form, kill -l, if sig is  not  specified  the
              signal  names are listed.  Otherwise, for each sig that
              is a name, the corresponding signal number  is  listed.
              For  each  sig  that  is  a  signal  number or a number
              representing the exit status of  a  process  which  was
              terminated  or stopped by a signal the name of the sig-
              nal is printed.
         let arg ...
              Evaluate each arg as  an  arithmetic  expression.   See
              ARITHMETIC  EVALUATION  in zshmisc(1) for a description
              of arithmetic expressions.  The exit status is 0 if the
              value  of  the last expression is nonzero, and 1 other-
         limit [ -hs ] [ resource [ limit ] ] ...
              Set or display resource limits.  Unless the -s flag  is
              given the limit applies only the children of the shell.
              If -s is given without other  arguments,  the  resource
              limits  of  the  current shell is set to the previously
              set resource limits of the children.  If limit  is  not
              specified,  print the current limit placed on resource;
              otherwise set the limit to the specified value.  If the
              -h  flag is given, use hard limits instead of soft lim-
              its.  If no resource is given, print all limits.
              resource is one of:
                   Maximum CPU seconds per process.
                   Largest single file allowed.
                   Maximum data size (including stack) for each  pro-
                   Maximum stack size for each process.
                   Maximum size of a core dump.
                   Maximum resident set size.
                   The same as resident.
                   Maximum amount of memory locked in RAM.
                   Maximum value for a file descriptor.
                   Maximum number of open files.
                   Maximum amount of virtual memory.
              Which of these resource limits are available depends on
              the  system.  limit is a number, with an optional scal-
              ing factor, as follows:
              nh   hours.
              nk   kilobytes. This is the default for  all  but  cpu-
              nm   megabytes or minutes.
                   minutes and seconds.
         local [ _LRZilrtu [n]] [ name[=value] ] ...
              Same as typeset, except that the options -x and -f  are
              not permitted.
         log  List all users currently logged in who are affected  by
              the current setting of the watch parameter.
              Exit the shell, if this is a login shell.
         noglob simple command
              See the secion PRECOMMAND MODIFIERS in zshmisc(1).
         popd [ _n ]
              Removes a entry from the directory stack, and perform a
              cd  to  the  new  top  directory. With no argument, the
              current top entry is removed.  An argument of the  form
              +n  identifies  a stack entry by counting from the left
              of the list shown by the dirs  command,  starting  with
              zero.   An  argument  of  the  form  -n counts from the
              right.  If the PUSHD_MINUS option is set, the  meanings
              of + and - in this context are swapped.
         print [ -nrslzpNDPoOicm ] [ -un ] [ -R [ -en ]] [ arg ... ]
              With no flags or with flag -, the arguments are printed
              on  the  standard output as described by echo, with the
              following  differences:   the  escape   sequence   \M-x
              metafies  the  character x (sets the highest bit), \C-x
              produces a control character (\C-@ and  \C-?  give  the
              characters NULL and delete) and \E is a synonym for \e.
              Finally, if not in an escape sequence,  \  escapes  the
              following character and is not printed.
              -r   ignore the escape conventions of echo.
              -R   emulate the BSD echo command which does  not  pro-
                   cess escape sequences unless the -e flag is given.
                   The -n flag suppresses the trailing newline.  Only
                   the  -e  and -n flags are recognized after -R, all
                   other arguments and options are printed.
              -m   Take the fist argument as  a  pattern  (should  be
                   quoted)  and  remove  it  from  the  argument list
                   together with subsequent  arguments  that  do  not
                   match this pattern.
              -s   place the results in the history list  instead  of
                   on the standard output.
              -n   do not add a newline to the output.
              -l   print the arguments separated by newlines  instead
                   of spaces.
              -N   print the arguments separated  and  terminated  by
              -o   print the arguments sorted in ascending order.
              -O   print the arguments sorted in descending order.
              -i   if given together with -o or -O  makes  them  work
                   case independently
              -c   print the arguments in columns
              -un  print the arguments to file descriptor n.
              -p   print the arguments to the input of the coprocess.
              -z   push the arguments onto the editing buffer  stack,
                   separated  by  spaces;  no  escape  sequences  are
              -D   treat the arguments as directory names,  replacing
                   prefixes with ~ expressions, as appropriate.
              -P   recognize the same  escape  sequences  as  in  the
                   PROMPT parameter.
         pushd [ arg ]
         pushd old new
         pushd _n
              Change the current directory, and push the old  current
              directory onto the directory stack.  In the first form,
              change the current directory to arg.   If  arg  is  not
              specified,  change to the second directory on the stack
              (that is, exchange the top two entries), or  change  to
              the value of HOME if the PUSHD_TO_HOME option is set or
              if there is only one entry on the stack.  If arg is  -,
              change  to the value of OLDPWD, the previous directory.
              If a directory named arg is not found  in  the  current
              directory and arg does not contain a slash, search each
              component of the shell parameter cdpath.  If the option
              CDABLEVARS  is  set,  and  a parameter named arg exists
              whose value begins with a slash, treat its value as the
              directory.   If the option PUSHD_SILENT is not set, the
              directory stack will be printed after a pushd  is  per-
              The second form of pushd substitutes the string new for
              the  string  old  in the name of the current directory,
              and tries to change to this new directory.
              The third form of pushd changes directory  by  rotating
              the directory list.  An argument of the form +n identi-
              fies a stack entry by counting from  the  left  of  the
              list shown by the dirs command, starting with zero.  An
              argument of the form -n counts from the right.  If  the
              PUSHD_MINUS  option  is set, the meanings of + and - in
              this context are swapped.
              Equivalent to print -nz.
         pwd [ -r ]
              Print the absolute  pathname  of  the  current  working
              directory.    If  the  -r  flag  is  specified  or  the
              CHASE_LINKS option is set, the printed  path  will  not
              contain symbolic links.
         r    Equivalent to fc -e -.
         read [ -rzpqAclneE ] [ -k [ num ] ]
              [ -un ] [ name?prompt ] [ name ...  ]
              Read one line and break it into fields using the  char-
              acters in IFS as separators.
              -r   Raw mode: a \ at the end of a line does  not  sig-
                   nify line continuation.
              -q   Read only one character from the terminal and  set
                   name  to  `y' if this character was `y' or `Y' and
                   to `n' otherwise.  With this flag set  the  return
                   value  is  zero  only  if the character was `y' or
              -k [ num ]
                   Read only one (or num) characters from the  termi-
              -z   Read from the  editor  buffer  stack.   The  first
                   field  is  assigned  to the first name, the second
                   field to the  second  name,  etc.,  with  leftover
                   fields assigned to the last name.
              -E   The words read are printed after the whole line is
                   read.  If  the  -e  flag is set, the words are not
                   assigned to the parameters.
              -A   The first name is taken as the name  of  an  array
                   and all words are assigned to it.
              -l   These flags are allowed only if  called  inside  a
                   function  used  for completion (specified with the
                   -K flag to compctl). If the -c flag is given,  the
                   words  of  the current command are read. If the -l
                   flag is given, the whole line  is  assigned  as  a
                   scalar.  If name is omitted then REPLY is used for
                   scalars and reply for arrays.
              -n   Together with either of the previous  flags,  this
                   option  gives the number of the word the cursor is
                   on or the index of the character the cursor is  on
              -un  Input is read from file descriptor n.
              -p   Input is read from the coprocess.
              If the first argument contains a ?,  the  remainder  of
              this  word  is  used as a prompt on standard error when
              the shell is interactive.  The exit status is 0  unless
              an end-of-file is encountered.
         readonly [ name[=value] ] ...
              The given names are marked readonly; these names cannot
              be changed by subsequent assignment.
         rehash [ -df ]
              Throw out the command hash table and  start  over.   If
              the  -f  option is set, rescan the command path immedi-
              ately, instead of rebuilding the hash  table  incremen-
              The -d option causes rehash to act on the named  direc-
              tory  table  instead  of  the command hash table.  This
              reduces the named  directory  table  to  only  the  `~'
              entry.  If the -f option is also used, the named direc-
              tory table is rebuilt immediately.
              rehash is equivalent to hash -r.
         return [ n ]
              Causes a shell function or . script to  return  to  the
              invoking  script with the return status specified by n.
              If n is omitted then the return status is that  of  the
              last command executed.
              If return was executed from a trap in a  TRAPxxx  func-
              tion,  the  effect  is  different for zero and non-zero
              return status.  With zero status (or after an  implicit
              return  at  the end of the trap), the shell will return
              to whatever it was previously processing; with  a  non-
              zero  status,  the  shell  will  behave  as interrupted
              except that the return status of the trap is  retained.
              Note that the signal which caused the trap is passed as
              the  first   argument,   so   the   statement   `return
              $((128+$1))' will return the same status as if the sig-
              nal had not been trapped.
         sched [+]hh:mm command ...
         sched [ -item ]
              Make an entry in the scheduled list of commands to exe-
              cute.   The time may be specified in either absolute or
              relative time.  With no arguments, prints the  list  of
              scheduled  commands.   With the argument -item, removes
              the given item from the list.
         set [ _options ] [ _o option name ] ... [ _A [ name ] ] [ arg ...
              Set the options for the shell and/or set the positional
              parameters, or declare and set an  array.   If  the  -s
              option is given it causes the specified arguments to be
              sorted before assigning them to the positional  parame-
              ters  (or  to  the  array name if -A is used).  With +s
              sort arguments in descending order.  For the meaning of
              the  other  flags,  see the zshoptions man page.  Flags
              may be specified by name using the -o option.   If  the
              -A  flag is specified, name is set to an array contain-
              ing the given args; if +A is used and name is an array,
              the gien arguments will replace the initial elements of
              that array; if no name is  specified,  all  arrays  are
              printed.  Otherwise  the positional parameters are set.
              If no arguments are given, then the names and values of
              all  parameters are printed on the standard output.  If
              the only argument is +, the names of all parameters are
         setopt [ _options ] [ name ... ]
              Set the options for the shell.  All  options  specified
              either  with flags or by name are set.  If no arguments
              are supplied, the names of all  options  currently  set
              are  printed.   In option names, case is insignificant,
              and all underscore characters are ignored.  If  the  -m
              flag  is  given  the  arguments  are  taken as patterns
              (should be quoted to preserve them  from  being  inter-
              preted  as  glob  patterns)  and all options with names
              matching these patterns are set.
         shift [ n ] [ name ... ]
              The positional parameters from $n+1 ... are renamed $1,
              where n is an arithmetic expression that defaults to 1.
              If any names are given then the arrays with these names
              are shifted instead of the positional parameters.
              Same as ., except that the current directory is  always
              searched  and  is  always searched first, before direc-
              tories in path.
         suspend [ -f ]
              Suspend the execution of the shell (send it a  SIGTSTP)
              until  it  receives a SIGCONT.  If the -f option is not
              given, complain if this is a login shell.
         test arg ...
         [ arg ... ]
              Like the system version of test.  Added for compatibil-
              ity; use conditional expressions instead.
              Print the accumulated user and  system  times  for  the
              shell and for processes run from the shell.
         trap [ arg ] [ sig ] ...
              arg is a series of commands (usually quoted to  protect
              it  from  immediate evaluation by the shell) to be read
              and executed when the shell receives sig.  Each sig can
              be  given  as  a number or as the name of a signal.  If
              arg is -, then all traps sig are reset to their default
              values.  If arg is the null string, then this signal is
              ignored by the shell and by the  commands  it  invokes.
              If  sig  is  ZERR  then arg will be executed after each
              command with a nonzero exit status.  If  sig  is  DEBUG
              then  arg  will be executed after each command.  If sig
              is 0 or EXIT and the trap statement is executed  inside
              the  body  of  a function, then the command arg is exe-
              cuted after the function completes.  If  sig  is  0  or
              EXIT  and the trap statement is not executed inside the
              body of a function, then the command  arg  is  executed
              when  the  shell  terminates.  The trap command with no
              arguments prints a list  of  commands  associated  with
              each  signal.   Note  that  traps defined with the trap
              builtin are slightly different from  those  defined  as
              `TRAPNAL  ()  {  ...  }',  as the latter have their own
              function environment (line  numbers,  local  variables,
              etc.)  while the former use the environment of the com-
              mand in which they were called.
         true Do nothing and return an exit code of 0.
         ttyctl -fu
              The -f option freezes the tty,  and  -u  unfreezes  it.
              When the tty is frozen, no changes made to the tty set-
              tings by external  programs  will  be  honored  by  the
              shell,  except  for  changes in the size of the screen;
              the shell will simply reset the settings to their  pre-
              vious  values  as  soon  as  each  command  exits or is
              suspended.  Thus, stty and  similar  programs  have  no
              effect  when  the  tty  is  frozen.  Without options it
              reports whether the terminal is frozen or not.
         type [ -fpam ] name ...
              Same as whence -v.
         typeset [ _LRUZfilrtuxm [n]] [ name[=value] ] ...
              Set attributes and values for shell  parameters.   When
              invoked  inside  a  function a new parameter is created
              which will be unset when the function  completes.   The
              new  parameter will not be exported unless ALLEXPORT is
              set, in which case the parameter will be exported  pro-
              vided  no  parameter  of that name already exists.  The
              following attributes are valid:
              -L   Left justify and remove leading blanks from value.
                   If  n  is  nonzero,  it  defines  the width of the
                   field; otherwise it is determined by the width  of
                   the  value  of  the  first  assignment.   When the
                   parameter is printed, it is filled  on  the  right
                   with  blanks  or truncated if necessary to fit the
                   field.  Leading zeros are removed if the  -Z  flag
                   is also set.
              -R   Right justify and fill with leading blanks.  If  n
                   is nonzero if defines the width of the field; oth-
                   erwise it is determined by the width of the  value
                   of  the  first  assignment.  When the parameter is
                   printed, the field is left filled with  blanks  or
                   truncated from the end.
              -U   For arrays keep only the  first  element  of  each
                   duplications.   It  can  also  be  set  for  colon
                   separated special parameters like PATH or FIGNORE,
              -Z   Right justify and fill with leading zeros  if  the
                   first  non-blank  character  is a digit and the -L
                   flag has not been set.  If n is nonzero it defines
                   the width of the field; otherwise it is determined
                   by the width of the value of the first assignment.
              -f   The names refer to functions rather  than  parame-
                   ters.   No  assignments  can be made, and the only
                   other valid flags are -t  and  -u.   The  flag  -t
                   turns on execution tracing for this function.  The
                   flag -u causes this  function  to  be  marked  for
                   autoloading.  The fpath parameter will be searched
                   to find the function definition when the  function
                   is first referenced; see autoload.
              -i   Use an internal integer representation.  If  n  is
                   nonzero  it  defines  the  output arithmetic base,
                   otherwise it is determined by  the  first  assign-
              -l   Convert to lower case.
              -r   The given names are marked readonly.
              -t   Tags the named parameters.  Tags have  no  special
                   meaning to the shell.
              -u   Convert to upper case.
              -x   Mark for automatic export to  the  environment  of
                   subsequently executed commands.
              Using + rather than - causes these flags to be turned off.
              If  no  arguments  are given but flags are specified, a
              list of named parameters which have these flags set  is
              printed.   Using + instead of - keeps their values from
              being printed.  If no arguments or options  are  given,
              the names and attributes of all parameters are printed.
              If only the -m flag is given the arguments are taken as
              patterns (should be quoted) and all parameters or func-
              tions (with  the  -f  flag)  with  matching  names  are
         ulimit [ -SHacdflmnpstv ] [ limit ] ...
              Set or display resource limits of  the  shell  and  the
              processes started by the shell.  The value of limit can
              be a number in the unit specified below  or  the  value
              unlimited.   If  the  -H  flag is given use hard limits
              instead of soft  limits.   If  the  -S  flag  is  given
              together  with  the -H flag set both hard and soft lim-
              its.  If no options are used, the file size limit  (-f)
              is  assumed.   If limit is omitted the current value of
              the specified resources are printed.   When  more  than
              one resource values are printed the limit name and unit
              is printed before each value.
              -a   Lists all of the current resource limits.
              -c   The number of 512-byte blocks on the size of  core
              -d   The number of K-bytes on  the  size  of  the  data
              -f   The number of 512-byte blocks on the size of files
              -l   The number of K-bytes on  the  size  of  locked-in
              -m   The number of K-bytes  on  the  size  of  physical
              -n   The number of open file descriptors.
              -s   The number of K-bytes on the size of the stack.
              -t   The number of CPU seconds to be used.
              -u   The number of processes available to the user.
              -v   The number of  K-bytes  on  the  size  of  virtual
         umask [ -S ] [ mask ]
              The umask is set to mask.  mask can be either an  octal
              number  or  a  symbolic value as described in chmod(1).
              If mask is omitted, the current value is printed.   The
              -S  option  causes the mask to be printed as a symbolic
              value.  Otherwise, the mask  is  printed  as  an  octal
              number.  Note that in the symbolic form the permissions
              you specify are those which  are  to  be  allowed  (not
              denied) to the users specified.
         unalias [ -m ] name ...
              The alias definition, if any, for each name is removed.
              With  the  -m  flag the arguments are taken as patterns
              (should be quoted) and all aliases with names  matching
              the  patterns  are  removed.   unalias is equivalent to
              unhash -a.
         unfunction [ -m ] name ...
              The function definition,  if  any,  for  each  name  is
              removed.  If the -m flag is specified the arguments are
              taken as patterns (should be quoted) and all  functions
              with  names matching the patterns are removed.  unfunc-
              tion is equivalent to unhash -f.
         unhash [ -adfm ] name ...
              Remove the element named name  from  an  internal  hash
              table.  The default is remove elements from the command
              hash table.  The -a  option  causes  unhash  to  remove
              aliases.   The  -f option causes unhash to remove shell
              functions.  The -d  options  causes  unhash  to  remove
              named  directories.   If the -m flag is given the argu-
              ments are taken as patterns (should be quoted) and  all
              elements  of the corresponding hash table with matching
              names will be removed.
         unlimit [ -hs ] resource ...
              The resource limit for each resource is set to the hard
              limit.   If  the  -h  flag  is  given  and the shell is
              running as root,  the  hard  resource  limit  for  each
              resource  is  removed.  The resources of the shell pro-
              cess are only changed if the -s flag is given.
         unset [ -fm ] name ...
              Each named parameter is unset. If the -m flag is speci-
              fied  the  arguments  are  taken as patterns (should be
              quoted) and all  parameters  with  matching  names  are
              unset.  Unset -f is equivalent to unfunction.
         unsetopt [ _options ] [ name ... ]
              Unset the options for the shell.  All options specified
              either  with flags or by name are unset. If the -m flag
              is given the arguments are considered  to  be  patterns
              (don't forget to quote them) and all options with names
              matching these patterns are unset.
         vared [ -c ] [ -h ] [ -p prompt ] [ -r rprompt ] name
              The value of the parameter name is loaded into the edit
              buffer,  and the line editor is invoked.  When the edi-
              tor exits, name is set to the string value returned  by
              the  editor.   If the -c flag is given the parameter is
              created if it doesn't already exist.  If the -p flag is
              given  the following string will be taken as the prompt
              to display at the left and if the -r flag is given  the
              following  string  gives  the  prompt to display at the
              right.  If the -h flag is specified, the history can be
              accessed from zle.
         wait [ job ... ]
              Wait for the specified jobs or processes.   If  job  is
              not given then all currently active child processes are
              waited for.  Each job can be either a job specification
              or  the process-id of a job in the job table.  The exit
              status from this command is that of the job waited for.
         whence [ -vcfpam ] name ...
              For each name, indicate how it would be interpreted  if
              used  as  a  command name.  The -v flag produces a more
              verbose report.  The -c flag prints the  results  in  a
              csh-like  format, and takes precedence over -v.  The -f
              flag causes the contents of  a  shell  function  to  be
              displayed,  which would otherwise not happen unless the
              -c flag were used.  The -p flag does a path search  for
              name even if it is an alias, reserved word, shell func-
              tion or builtin.  The -a flag does  a  search  for  all
              occurrences  of name throughout the command path.  With
              the -m flag the arguments are taken as patterns (should
              be  quoted)  and  the information is displayed for each
              command matching one of these patterns.
              Same as whence -ca.
         which [ -pam ] name ...
              Same as whence -c.
         Source for zsh is available in the SUNWzshS package.

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