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OpenNews: sudo для Windows, opennews, 15-Июн-06, 11:25  [смотреть все]
  • sudo для Windows, boolean, 11:25 , 15-Июн-06 (1)
    • sudo для Windows, peterwork, 11:28 , 15-Июн-06 (2)
      Я думаю вся фишка для того чтобы использовать что-то, что требует привилегий администратора в .cmd файлах через sudo. Там run as не канает.
    • sudo для Windows, peterwork, 11:31 , 15-Июн-06 (3)
      Ну и в догонку...
      На сайте ж написано.

      Difference from the builtin Run as...

          * The sudo launched program is running under your account and profile and not a different administrator account's
            so you can expect the application behaving exactly the same way as you wait for except of course it is running with
            full privileges
          * Sudo launched programs see your Desktop and My Documents folder
          * Sudo installed applications will be installed to your Desktop and Start Menu just as if you would use the default
            high privileged Windows account
          * Because you remain the owner of the files with sudo installed applications you can later configure the application
            if you just normally run the program with limited privileges sometimes even if the program is "poorly" written
            (not designed to work with low privileged accounts)
          * You don't need to always type in your password while you would like to launch multiple programs in a short time
            because sudoWn caches the password for you for 3 minutes
          * If you are a system administrator you don't need to give out the root password, every user can use his password
            for privilege escalation

    • sudo для Windows, Santa_Claus, 11:32 , 15-Июн-06 (4)
    • sudo для Windows, LeoTheHuman, 12:14 , 15-Июн-06 (5)
  • sudo для Windows, nobody, 12:27 , 15-Июн-06 (6)
  • sudo для Windows, M0r1arty, 13:00 , 15-Июн-06 (7)
  • sudo для Windows, Аноним, 13:55 , 15-Июн-06 (8)
  • sudo для Windows, Аноним, 16:23 , 15-Июн-06 (9)
  • sudo для Windows, GR, 23:36 , 15-Июн-06 (10)
  • sudo для Windows, Аноним, 10:01 , 19-Июн-06 (14)
  • sudo для Windows, Константин Брызгалов, 12:54 , 07-Сен-10 (17)

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