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Помогите расшифровать - на что ругается спамфильтр., !*! Pars, 28-Сен-07, 14:00  [смотреть все]
Ниже приведен отчет, вложенный в письмо, интересуют расшифровки меток RH_GENR_FromSusXXX.

SPAM Censor Result:
------ Category <Spam> evaluation result ------
    - EV_GENR_Bdy2Kto6K: (0,00) Msg body is between 2K and 6K
    - EV_GENR_MsgSize90To100: (1,00) Msg size is between 90 and 100K
    - HTTP_LINK: (1,00) HTTP link in message
    - MIME_SPAMSIGN_41: (0,00) MIME Boundary generated by bulk mailer (10 dash hex)
    - MSG_ONLY_TEXT: (0,00) Only has text body
    - MSG_SIZE_3: (0,00) IsBigger than 3K
    - MSG_SIZE_5: (0,00) IsBigger than 5K
    - MSG_SIZE_90: (1,00) IsBigger than 90K
    - MT_MsgSize90: (-4,00) Message is greater than 90KB no image
    - RH_GENR_FromSus6: (13,00) From pattern looks suspect
    - RH_GENR_FromSus6a: (20,00) From pattern looks suspect
    - RH_GENR_HeaderSus212: (11,00) Header pattern common in spam
    - RH_GENR_HeaderSus755: (11,00) Header pattern common in spam
    - RH_GENR_HeaderSus885: (39,00) Header pattern common in spam
    - RH_GENR_ToNoBracket: (0,00) To address not encapsulated by brackets
    - X_MAILER_BAT: (14,00) X-Mailer: references the Bat!
  Total score: (107,0) required(90,0)
  SpamFilter: Version 186 06-August-2007
------ End of Category <Spam> evaluation ------

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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