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ip route, !*! Sataev Maksim, 27-Фев-09, 16:01  [смотреть все]
nat - a special NAT route.  Destinations covered by the prefix are considered to be dummy (or external) addresses which  require  translation to real (or internal) ones before forwarding.  The addresses to translate to are selected with the attribute Warning: Route NAT is no longer supported in Linux 2.6.

что делать? как жить? ip route nat необходим как воздух!!

  • ip route, !*! PavelR, 23:51 , 27-Фев-09 (1)
    > nat - a special NAT route.  Destinations covered by the
    >prefix are considered to be dummy (or external) addresses which  
    >require  translation to real (or internal) ones before forwarding.  
    >The addresses to translate to are selected with the attribute Warning:
    >Route NAT is no longer supported in Linux 2.6.
    >что делать? как жить? ip route nat необходим как воздух!!

    Вы о чем ?

    Флаги - условия в nat.POSTROUTING  - не ?

  • ip route, !*! LS, 00:10 , 28-Фев-09 (2)
    > nat - a special NAT route.  Destinations covered by the
    >prefix are considered to be dummy (or external) addresses which  
    >require  translation to real (or internal) ones before forwarding.  
    >The addresses to translate to are selected with the attribute Warning:
    >Route NAT is no longer supported in Linux 2.6.
    >что делать? как жить? ip route nat необходим как воздух!!

    видимо не так. иначе бы все придурки давно вымерли

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