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OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 20-Июн-03, 15:21  [смотреть все]
    Помогите, пожалуйста !!!
  Сижу под OpenBSD 3.2, в rc.conf прописываю: named_flags="", в комментарии написано так... перзапускаю машину, бзда пишет следующее:
starting named
named [  ] directory /var/named/ no such file or directory
savecore: no core dump
и т.д.
вхожу под рутом, пишу top ессно named нет,
но с консоли запускается, и работает нормально...
в rc.conf пробовал менять строку named_chroot=/var/named
система выдает какие то ошибки, но потом при входе в систему named
что делать ? подскажите, плз...
  • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Alexey, 15:27 , 20-Июн-03 (1)
    • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:31 , 20-Июн-03 (2)
      >ты дай свой rc.conf лучше, заодно интересно посмотреть как он отличается от
      >FreeBDS rc.conf


      #!/bin/sh -
      #    $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.79 2002/09/06 21:30:22 deraadt Exp $

      # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
      routed_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-q"
      altqd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      mrouted_flags=NO    # for normal use: "", if activated
                  # be sure to enable multicast_router below.
      rarpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-a"
      bootparamd_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""
      rbootd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      sshd_flags=""        # for normal use: ""
      smtpfwdd_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""; be sure to configure smtpd(8)
                  # and sendmail(8) to use MSA only
      named_flags=""        # for normal use: ""
      rdate_flags=NO        # for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC1361-host]
      timed_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      ntpdate_flags=NO    # for normal use: NTP server; run before ntpd starts
      isakmpd_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""
      mopd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-a"
      apmd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      dhcpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-q"
      rtadvd_flags=NO        # for normal use: list of interfaces
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      route6d_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      rtsold_flags=NO        # for normal use: interface
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
      lpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)

      # use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
      httpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

      # For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
      sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"

      # Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
      ftpd_flags=NO        # for non-inetd use: "-D"

      # Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
      identd_flags=NO        # for non-inetd use: "-b -u nobody -elo"

      # On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
      xdm_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""

      # For enabling console mouse support (i386 architecture only)
      wsmoused_flags=NO    # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

      # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
      nfs_server=NO        # see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
      pf=NO            # Packet filter / NAT
      portmap=NO        # Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
      inetd=YES        # almost always needed
      check_quotas=YES    # NO may be desirable in some YP environments
      ntpd=YES        # run ntpd if it exists

      krb5_master_kdc=NO    # KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
      krb5_slave_kdc=NO    # KerberosV slave KDC.
      afs=NO            # mount and run afs

      # Multicast routing configuration
      # Please look at /etc/netstart for a detailed description if you change these
      multicast_host=NO    # Route all multicast packets to a single interface
      multicast_router=NO    # A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

      # miscellaneous other flags
      # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
      savecore_flags=            # "-z" to compress
      ypserv_flags=            # E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
      yppasswdd_flags=        # "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
      nfsd_flags="-tun 4"        # Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
      amd_dir=/tmp_mnt        # AMD's mount directory
      amd_master=/etc/amd/master    # AMD 'master' map
      syslogd_flags=            # add more flags, ie. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
      named_user=named        # Named should not run as root unless necessary
      named_chroot=/var/named         # Where to chroot named if not empty
      pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf        # Packet filter rules file
      pflogd_flags=            # add more flags, ie. "-s 256"
      afs_mount_point=/afs        # Mountpoint for AFS
      afs_device=/dev/xfs0        # Device used by afsd
      afsd_flags=-z            # Flags passed to afsd
      shlib_dirs=            # extra directories for ldconfig


      [ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

    • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:32 , 20-Июн-03 (3)
      >ты дай свой rc.conf лучше, заодно интересно посмотреть как он отличается от
      >FreeBDS rc.conf

      #!/bin/sh -
      #    $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.79 2002/09/06 21:30:22 deraadt Exp $

      # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
      routed_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-q"
      altqd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      mrouted_flags=NO    # for normal use: "", if activated
                  # be sure to enable multicast_router below.
      rarpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-a"
      bootparamd_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""
      rbootd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      sshd_flags=""        # for normal use: ""
      smtpfwdd_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""; be sure to configure smtpd(8)
                  # and sendmail(8) to use MSA only
      named_flags=""        # for normal use: ""
      rdate_flags=NO        # for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC1361-host]
      timed_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      ntpdate_flags=NO    # for normal use: NTP server; run before ntpd starts
      isakmpd_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""
      mopd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-a"
      apmd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      dhcpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "-q"
      rtadvd_flags=NO        # for normal use: list of interfaces
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      route6d_flags=NO    # for normal use: ""
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      rtsold_flags=NO        # for normal use: interface
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
                  # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
      lpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)

      # use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
      httpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

      # For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
      sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"

      # Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
      ftpd_flags=NO        # for non-inetd use: "-D"

      # Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
      identd_flags=NO        # for non-inetd use: "-b -u nobody -elo"

      # On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
      xdm_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""

      # For enabling console mouse support (i386 architecture only)
      wsmoused_flags=NO    # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

      # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
      nfs_server=NO        # see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
      pf=NO            # Packet filter / NAT
      portmap=NO        # Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
      inetd=YES        # almost always needed
      check_quotas=YES    # NO may be desirable in some YP environments
      ntpd=YES        # run ntpd if it exists

      krb5_master_kdc=NO    # KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
      krb5_slave_kdc=NO    # KerberosV slave KDC.
      afs=NO            # mount and run afs

      # Multicast routing configuration
      # Please look at /etc/netstart for a detailed description if you change these
      multicast_host=NO    # Route all multicast packets to a single interface
      multicast_router=NO    # A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

      # miscellaneous other flags
      # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
      savecore_flags=            # "-z" to compress
      ypserv_flags=            # E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
      yppasswdd_flags=        # "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
      nfsd_flags="-tun 4"        # Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
      amd_dir=/tmp_mnt        # AMD's mount directory
      amd_master=/etc/amd/master    # AMD 'master' map
      syslogd_flags=            # add more flags, ie. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
      named_user=named        # Named should not run as root unless necessary
      named_chroot=/var/named         # Where to chroot named if not empty
      pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf        # Packet filter rules file
      pflogd_flags=            # add more flags, ie. "-s 256"
      afs_mount_point=/afs        # Mountpoint for AFS
      afs_device=/dev/xfs0        # Device used by afsd
      afsd_flags=-z            # Flags passed to afsd
      shlib_dirs=            # extra directories for ldconfig


      [ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

    • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:35 , 20-Июн-03 (4)
      >ты дай свой rc.conf лучше, заодно интересно посмотреть как он отличается от
      >FreeBDS rc.conf
      А может тебе его на мыло швырнуть, а то он в форум не отсылается...

    • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:37 , 20-Июн-03 (5)
      >ты дай свой rc.conf лучше, заодно интересно посмотреть как он отличается от
      >FreeBDS rc.conf


      #!/bin/sh -
      #       $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.79 2002/09/06 21:30:22 deraadt Exp $

      # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
      routed_flags=NO         # for normal use: "-q"
      altqd_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
      mrouted_flags=NO        # for normal use: "", if activated
                              # be sure to enable multicast_router below.
      rarpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-a"
      bootparamd_flags=NO     # for normal use: ""
      rbootd_flags=NO         # for normal use: ""
      sshd_flags=""           # for normal use: ""
      smtpfwdd_flags=NO       # for normal use: ""; be sure to configure smtpd(8)
                              # and sendmail(8) to use MSA only
      named_flags=""          # for normal use: ""
      rdate_flags=NO          # for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC1361-host]
      timed_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
      ntpdate_flags=NO        # for normal use: NTP server; run before ntpd starts
      isakmpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      mopd_flags=NO           # for normal use: "-a"
      apmd_flags=NO           # for normal use: ""
      dhcpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-q"
      rtadvd_flags=NO         # for normal use: list of interfaces
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      route6d_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      rtsold_flags=NO         # for normal use: interface
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
      lpd_flags=NO            # for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)

      # use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
      httpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

      # For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
      sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"

      # Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
      ftpd_flags=NO           # for non-inetd use: "-D"

      # Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
      identd_flags=NO         # for non-inetd use: "-b -u nobody -elo"

      # On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
      xdm_flags=NO            # for normal use: ""

      # For enabling console mouse support (i386 architecture only)
      wsmoused_flags=NO       # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

      # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
      nfs_server=NO           # see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
      pf=NO                   # Packet filter / NAT
      portmap=NO              # Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
      inetd=YES               # almost always needed
      check_quotas=YES        # NO may be desirable in some YP environments
      ntpd=YES                # run ntpd if it exists

      krb5_master_kdc=NO      # KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
      krb5_slave_kdc=NO       # KerberosV slave KDC.
      afs=NO                  # mount and run afs

      # Multicast routing configuration
      # Please look at /etc/netstart for a detailed description if you change these
      multicast_host=NO       # Route all multicast packets to a single interface
      multicast_router=NO     # A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

      # miscellaneous other flags
      # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
      savecore_flags=                 # "-z" to compress
      ypserv_flags=                   # E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
      yppasswdd_flags=                # "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
      nfsd_flags="-tun 4"             # Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
      amd_dir=/tmp_mnt                # AMD's mount directory
      amd_master=/etc/amd/master      # AMD 'master' map
      syslogd_flags=                  # add more flags, ie. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
      named_user=named                # Named should not run as root unless necessary
      named_chroot=/var/named         # Where to chroot named if not empty
      pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf           # Packet filter rules file
      pflogd_flags=                   # add more flags, ie. "-s 256"
      afs_mount_point=/afs            # Mountpoint for AFS
      afs_device=/dev/xfs0            # Device used by afsd
      afsd_flags=-z                   # Flags passed to afsd
      shlib_dirs=                     # extra directories for ldconfig


      [ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

    • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:37 , 20-Июн-03 (7)

      #!/bin/sh -
      #       $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.79 2002/09/06 21:30:22 deraadt Exp $

      # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
      routed_flags=NO         # for normal use: "-q"
      altqd_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
      mrouted_flags=NO        # for normal use: "", if activated
                              # be sure to enable multicast_router below.
      rarpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-a"
      bootparamd_flags=NO     # for normal use: ""
      rbootd_flags=NO         # for normal use: ""
      sshd_flags=""           # for normal use: ""
      smtpfwdd_flags=NO       # for normal use: ""; be sure to configure smtpd(8)
                              # and sendmail(8) to use MSA only
      named_flags=""          # for normal use: ""
      rdate_flags=NO          # for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC1361-host]
      timed_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
      ntpdate_flags=NO        # for normal use: NTP server; run before ntpd starts
      isakmpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      mopd_flags=NO           # for normal use: "-a"
      apmd_flags=NO           # for normal use: ""
      dhcpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-q"
      rtadvd_flags=NO         # for normal use: list of interfaces
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      route6d_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      rtsold_flags=NO         # for normal use: interface
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
      lpd_flags=NO            # for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)

      # use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
      httpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

      # For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
      sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"

      # Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
      ftpd_flags=NO           # for non-inetd use: "-D"

      # Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
      identd_flags=NO         # for non-inetd use: "-b -u nobody -elo"

      # On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
      xdm_flags=NO            # for normal use: ""

      # For enabling console mouse support (i386 architecture only)
      wsmoused_flags=NO       # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

      # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
      nfs_server=NO           # see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
      pf=NO                   # Packet filter / NAT
      portmap=NO              # Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
      inetd=YES               # almost always needed
      check_quotas=YES        # NO may be desirable in some YP environments
      ntpd=YES                # run ntpd if it exists

      krb5_master_kdc=NO      # KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
      krb5_slave_kdc=NO       # KerberosV slave KDC.
      afs=NO                  # mount and run afs

      # Multicast routing configuration
      # Please look at /etc/netstart for a detailed description if you change these
      multicast_host=NO       # Route all multicast packets to a single interface
      multicast_router=NO     # A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

      # miscellaneous other flags
      # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
      savecore_flags=                 # "-z" to compress
      ypserv_flags=                   # E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
      yppasswdd_flags=                # "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
      nfsd_flags="-tun 4"             # Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
      amd_dir=/tmp_mnt                # AMD's mount directory
      amd_master=/etc/amd/master      # AMD 'master' map
      syslogd_flags=                  # add more flags, ie. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
      named_user=named                # Named should not run as root unless necessary
      named_chroot=/var/named         # Where to chroot named if not empty
      pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf           # Packet filter rules file
      pflogd_flags=                   # add more flags, ie. "-s 256"
      afs_mount_point=/afs            # Mountpoint for AFS
      afs_device=/dev/xfs0            # Device used by afsd
      afsd_flags=-z                   # Flags passed to afsd
      shlib_dirs=                     # extra directories for ldconfig


      [ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

    • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:44 , 20-Июн-03 (8)
      >ты дай свой rc.conf лучше, заодно интересно посмотреть как он отличается от
      >FreeBDS rc.conf


      #!/bin/sh -
      #       $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.79 2002/09/06 21:30:22 deraadt Exp $

      # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
      routed_flags=NO         # for normal use: "-q"
      altqd_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
      mrouted_flags=NO        # for normal use: "", if activated
                              # be sure to enable multicast_router below.
      rarpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-a"
      bootparamd_flags=NO     # for normal use: ""
      rbootd_flags=NO         # for normal use: ""
      sshd_flags=""           # for normal use: ""
      smtpfwdd_flags=NO       # for normal use: ""; be sure to configure smtpd(8)
                              # and sendmail(8) to use MSA only
      named_flags=""          # for normal use: ""
      rdate_flags=NO          # for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC1361-host]
      timed_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
      ntpdate_flags=NO        # for normal use: NTP server; run before ntpd starts
      isakmpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
      mopd_flags=NO           # for normal use: "-a"
      apmd_flags=NO           # for normal use: ""
      dhcpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-q"
      rtadvd_flags=NO         # for normal use: list of interfaces
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      route6d_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
      rtsold_flags=NO         # for normal use: interface
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
                              # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
      lpd_flags=NO            # for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)

      # use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
      httpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

      # For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
      sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"

      # Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
      ftpd_flags=NO           # for non-inetd use: "-D"

      # Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
      identd_flags=NO         # for non-inetd use: "-b -u nobody -elo"

      # On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
      xdm_flags=NO            # for normal use: ""

      # For enabling console mouse support (i386 architecture only)
      wsmoused_flags=NO       # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

      # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
      nfs_server=NO           # see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
      pf=NO                   # Packet filter / NAT
      portmap=NO              # Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
      inetd=YES               # almost always needed
      check_quotas=YES        # NO may be desirable in some YP environments
      ntpd=YES                # run ntpd if it exists

      krb5_master_kdc=NO      # KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
      krb5_slave_kdc=NO       # KerberosV slave KDC.
      afs=NO                  # mount and run afs

      # Multicast routing configuration
      # Please look at /etc/netstart for a detailed description if you change these
      multicast_host=NO       # Route all multicast packets to a single interface
      multicast_router=NO     # A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

      # miscellaneous other flags
      # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
      savecore_flags=                 # "-z" to compress
      ypserv_flags=                   # E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
      yppasswdd_flags=                # "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
      nfsd_flags="-tun 4"             # Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
      amd_dir=/tmp_mnt                # AMD's mount directory
      amd_master=/etc/amd/master      # AMD 'master' map
      syslogd_flags=                  # add more flags, ie. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
      named_user=named                # Named should not run as root unless necessary
      named_chroot=/var/named         # Where to chroot named if not empty
      pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf           # Packet filter rules file
      pflogd_flags=                   # add more flags, ie. "-s 256"
      afs_mount_point=/afs            # Mountpoint for AFS
      afs_device=/dev/xfs0            # Device used by afsd
      afsd_flags=-z                   # Flags passed to afsd
      shlib_dirs=                     # extra directories for ldconfig


      [ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

  • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! lavr, 15:37 , 20-Июн-03 (6)
  • OpenBSD 3.2 прописываю в rc.conf named, а он не рабоьает, !*! Raistlin, 15:45 , 20-Июн-03 (9)

    #!/bin/sh -
    #       $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.79 2002/09/06 21:30:22 deraadt Exp $

    # set these to "NO" to turn them off.  otherwise, they're used as flags
    routed_flags=NO         # for normal use: "-q"
    altqd_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
    mrouted_flags=NO        # for normal use: "", if activated
                            # be sure to enable multicast_router below.
    rarpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-a"
    bootparamd_flags=NO     # for normal use: ""
    rbootd_flags=NO         # for normal use: ""
    sshd_flags=""           # for normal use: ""
    smtpfwdd_flags=NO       # for normal use: ""; be sure to configure smtpd(8)
                            # and sendmail(8) to use MSA only
    named_flags=""          # for normal use: ""
    rdate_flags=NO          # for normal use: [RFC868-host] or [-n RFC1361-host]
    timed_flags=NO          # for normal use: ""
    ntpdate_flags=NO        # for normal use: NTP server; run before ntpd starts
    isakmpd_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
    mopd_flags=NO           # for normal use: "-a"
    apmd_flags=NO           # for normal use: ""
    dhcpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "-q"
    rtadvd_flags=NO         # for normal use: list of interfaces
                            # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
    route6d_flags=NO        # for normal use: ""
                            # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
    rtsold_flags=NO         # for normal use: interface
                            # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=0
                            # be sure to set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=1
    lpd_flags=NO            # for normal use: "" (or "-l" for debugging)

    # use -u to disable chroot, see httpd(8)
    httpd_flags=NO          # for normal use: "" (or "-DSSL" after reading ssl(8))

    # For normal use: "-L sm-mta -bd -q30m", and note there is a cron job
    sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/ -bd -q30m"

    # Set to NO if ftpd is running out of inetd
    ftpd_flags=NO           # for non-inetd use: "-D"

    # Set to NO if identd is running out of inetd
    identd_flags=NO         # for non-inetd use: "-b -u nobody -elo"

    # On some architectures, you must also disable console getty in /etc/ttys
    xdm_flags=NO            # for normal use: ""

    # For enabling console mouse support (i386 architecture only)
    wsmoused_flags=NO       # for ps/2 or usb mice: "", serial: "-p /dev/cua00"

    # set the following to "YES" to turn them on
    nfs_server=NO           # see sysctl.conf for nfs client configuration
    pf=NO                   # Packet filter / NAT
    portmap=NO              # Note: inetd(8) rpc services need portmap too
    inetd=YES               # almost always needed
    check_quotas=YES        # NO may be desirable in some YP environments
    ntpd=YES                # run ntpd if it exists

    krb5_master_kdc=NO      # KerberosV master KDC. Run 'info heimdal' for help.
    krb5_slave_kdc=NO       # KerberosV slave KDC.
    afs=NO                  # mount and run afs

    # Multicast routing configuration
    # Please look at /etc/netstart for a detailed description if you change these
    multicast_host=NO       # Route all multicast packets to a single interface
    multicast_router=NO     # A multicast routing daemon will be run, e.g. mrouted

    # miscellaneous other flags
    # only used if the appropriate server is marked YES above
    savecore_flags=                 # "-z" to compress
    ypserv_flags=                   # E.g. -1 for YP v1, -d for DNS etc
    yppasswdd_flags=                # "-d /etc/yp" if passwd files are in /etc/yp
    nfsd_flags="-tun 4"             # Crank the 4 for a busy NFS fileserver
    amd_dir=/tmp_mnt                # AMD's mount directory
    amd_master=/etc/amd/master      # AMD 'master' map
    syslogd_flags=                  # add more flags, ie. "-u -a /chroot/dev/log"
    named_user=named                # Named should not run as root unless necessary
    named_chroot=/var/named         # Where to chroot named if not empty
    pf_rules=/etc/pf.conf           # Packet filter rules file
    pflogd_flags=                   # add more flags, ie. "-s 256"
    afs_mount_point=/afs            # Mountpoint for AFS
    afs_device=/dev/xfs0            # Device used by afsd
    afsd_flags=-z                   # Flags passed to afsd
    shlib_dirs=                     # extra directories for ldconfig


    [ -f ${local_rcconf} ] && . ${local_rcconf} # Do not edit this line

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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