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"Amazon, Google, Oracle, Ericsson и Snap основали Valkey, форк СУБД Redis"
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. "Amazon, Google, Oracle, Ericsson и Snap основали Valkey, фор..." +/
Сообщение от Заноним (?), 30-Мрт-24, 01:35 
"As a followup there is renewed interest in the project given the license change.

KeyDB is used heavily at Snap serving >100 million QPS workloads. However we use the project primarily for set/get in cluster mode so most of my work is focussed on this. We are doing new work in FLASH and getting that to production readiness, that work is ongoing in the async_flash branch. A new release will be posted when that work is finished.

We have obviously fallen behind in dealing with the issue count here and would welcome community support in tackling this if anyone is interested in contributing."

Разработка идёт. Темп не шустрый. Чел не откажется от помощи:

Но вообще, на фоне производительности garnet от m$,  все померкли.

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Amazon, Google, Oracle, Ericsson и Snap основали Valkey, форк СУБД Redis, opennews, 28-Мрт-24, 21:34  [смотреть все]
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