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"Эксперимент с использованием SQLite в качестве контейнера для архивирования файлов"
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. "Эксперимент с использованием SQLite в качестве контейнера дл..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (65), 25-Мрт-24, 21:32 
And forgot to add:
* For the purpose of this paragraph let's assumme that SQLite when built with maximum hardening is secure ... Even if you use maximum source-level hardening options of SQLite, it would limit your software to 2 options: statically linking the SQLite lib with thisenoptions, or dynamically linking an additional variant of SQLite lib living in a separate package. Some distro maintainers can forget about this security measure and just link the usual distrowise SQLite lib optimized for performance and special tasks like schema manipulation ... creating this way a vulnerability. So mere using SQLite for the task it is unsuitable for introduces a weak point.
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Эксперимент с использованием SQLite в качестве контейнера для архивирования файлов, opennews, 25-Мрт-24, 12:51  [смотреть все]
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