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Релиз Firefox 58, opennews (??), 23-Янв-18, (0) [смотреть все]

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153. "Релиз Firefox 58"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 24-Янв-18, 01:20 
> Скорей всего выросло, однако, оно теперь может не кешировать файлы, а сразу байт код.

Не может. Оригинальные файлы нужны всегда.
> Once a web page has started up, or in case of a different execution path, the source might be needed to delazify functions that were not cached. As such, the source must be available without blocking. The solution is to embed the source within the bytecode cache content. Instead of storing the raw source, the same way it is served by the network cache, it is stored in UCS2 encoding as compressed chunks¹, the same way we represent it in memory.

Алсо суть именно в ускорении старта страниц. Не их дальнейшей работе. В кешируемый байткод берут именно ту часть кода, которая используется на старте. А ещё байткод будет кешироваться не всегда.
> As a human, it seems that we should not penalize the first visit of a website and save content in the disk. You might read a one time article on a page that you will never visit again, and saving the cached bytecode to disk for future visits sounds like a net loss. For this reason, the current threshold is set to encode the bytecode only on the 4th visit, thus making it available on the 5th and subsequent visits.

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221. "Релиз Firefox 58"  +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 24-Янв-18, 19:29 
> The solution is to embed the source within the bytecode cache content


> Instead of storing the raw source, the same way it is served by the network cache, it is stored in UCS2 encoding as compressed chunks¹, the same way we represent it in memory.

Ну хотя это дисковый кеш.

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