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ostream (3)
  • >> ostream (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         ostream - formatted and unformatted output
         #include <iostream.h>
         typedef long streampos;
         typedef long streamoff;
         class unsafe_ios {
              // exported types
              // stream operation mode
                 enum open_mode  {
                     in       = 0x01,        // open for reading
                     out      = 0x02,        // open for writing
                     ate      = 0x04,        // seek to eof upon original open
                     app      = 0x08,        // append mode: all additions at eof
                     trunc    = 0x10,        // truncate file if already exists
                     nocreate = 0x20,        // open fails if file doesn't exist
                     noreplace= 0x40         // open fails if file already exists
              // stream seek direction
                 enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 };
              // formatting flags
                 enum    {
                     skipws    = 0x0001,     // skip whitespace on input
                     left      = 0x0002,     // left-adjust output
                     right     = 0x0004,     // right-adjust output
                     internal  = 0x0008,     // padding after sign or base indicator
                     dec       = 0x0010,     // decimal conversion
                     oct       = 0x0020,     // octal conversion
                     hex       = 0x0040,     // hexidecimal conversion
                     showbase  = 0x0080,     // use base indicator on output
                     showpoint = 0x0100,     // force decimal point (floating output)
                     uppercase = 0x0200,     // upper-case hex output
                     showpos   = 0x0400,     // add '+' to positive integers
                     scientific= 0x0800,     // use 1.2345E2 floating notation
                     fixed     = 0x1000,     // use 123.45 floating notation
                     unitbuf   = 0x2000,     // flush all streams after insertion
                     stdio     = 0x4000      // flush stdout, stderr after insertion
              // see ios(3C++) for remainder ...
         class unsafe_ostream : virtual public unsafe_ios {
              // exported functions
              // unformatted output functions
              unsafe_ostream& put(char c);
              unsafe_ostream& write(const char* ptr, int len);
              // wide character
              unsafe_ostream& put(wchar_t wc);
              unsafe_ostream& write(const wchar_t * wptr, int len);
              // other functions
              int  opfx();
              void osfx();
              unsafe_ostream& flush();
              unsafe_ostream& seekp(streampos pos);
              unsafe_ostream& seekp(streamoff offset, unsafe_ios::seek_dir from);
              streampos tellp();
              // exported operator functions
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (char);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (unsigned char);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (short);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (unsigned short);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (int);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (unsigned int);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (long);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (unsigned long);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (float);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (double);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (const char* buf);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (void* ptr);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (streambuf* sbufp);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (unsafe_ostream& (*manip)(unsafe_ostream&));
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (unsafe_ios& (*manip)(unsafe_ios&));
              // wide character
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (wchar_t);
              unsafe_ostream& operator<< (const wchar_t*);
              // exported constructors
              unsafe_ostream(streambuf* sbufp);
         class ostream : virtual public ios, public unsafe_ostream {
              // unformatted output functions
              ostream&        put(char);
              ostream&        write(const char* ptr, int n);
              ostream&        write(const unsigned char* ptr, int n);
              // wide character
              ostream&        put(wchar_t);
              ostream&        write(const wchar_t *, int);
              // other functions
              int       opfx();
              int       osfx();
              ostream&  flush();
              ostream&  seekp(streampos);
              ostream&  seekp(streamoff, seek_dir);
              streampos tellp();
              // exported operator functions
              ostream&        operator<<(char);
              ostream&        operator<<(unsigned char);
              ostream&        operator<<(short);
              ostream&        operator<<(unsigned short);
              ostream&        operator<<(int);
              ostream&        operator<<(unsigned int);
              ostream&        operator<<(long);
              ostream&        operator<<(unsigned long);
              ostream&        operator<<(float);
              ostream&        operator<<(double);
              ostream&        operator<<(const char*);
              ostream&        operator<<(void*);
              ostream&        operator<<(streambuf*);
              ostream&        operator<<(ostream& (*)(ostream&));
              ostream&        operator<<(ios& (*)(ios&));
              // wide character
              ostream&        operator<< (wchar_t);
              ostream&        operator<< (const wchar_t*);
                   // exported constructor
                         ostream(streambuf* sbufp);
         class ostream_withassign : public ostream {
              ostream_withassign& operator= (ostream& ostr);
              ostream_withassign& operator= (streambuf* sbufp);
         extern ostream_withassign cout;
         extern ostream_withassign cerr;
         extern ostream_withassign clog;
         ios&  dec(ios&);
         ios&  hex(ios&);
         ios&  oct(ios&);
         ostream& endl(ostream&);
         ostream& ends(ostream&);
         ostream& flush(ostream&);
         unsafe_ios&     dec(unsafe_ios&) ;
         unsafe_ios&     hex(unsafe_ios&) ;
         unsafe_ios&     oct(unsafe_ios&) ;
         unsafe_ostream& endl(unsafe_ostream& i) ;
         unsafe_ostream& ends(unsafe_ostream& i) ;
         unsafe_ostream& flush(unsafe_ostream&) ;
         Class ostream supports formatted and  unformatted  insertion
         (output) of data to an associated streambuf.
         Class unsafe_ostream implements  all  of  the  functionality
         described below, but does not prevent simultaneous access by
         multiple threads; class ostream is a  "wrapper"  class  that
         implements  mutex locks around each of the respective member
         functions of unsafe_ostream  to  ensure  mt-safety.   Simply
         using the mt-safe class does not guarantee mt-safe behaviour
         by your application.  For complete information on sharing of
         iostream  objects  between  cooperating threads, see the C++
         4.1 Library Reference Manual, Chapter 5, "Using  libC  in  a
         Multithreaded Environment."
         The discussion about thread safety applies only  to  Solaris
         2.x.   On  Solaris 1.x the ``safe'' and ``unsafe'' functions
         behave identically.
      Constructors and Assignment
              Associates the streambuf pointed to by sbufp  with  the
              stream and initializes the ios state.
              Performs no initialization.
         ostream_withassign osw = sbufp
              Associates the streambuf pointed to by sbufp  with  osw
              and completely initializes osw.
         ostream_withassign osw = ostr
              The streambuf associated with ostr  becomes  associated
              with  osw  and  the  constructor completely initializes
              local objects of class ostream_withassign must be  ini-
      Wide character support
         All operations that output wide characters to a  stream  set
         ios::failbit  and stop output if they encounter a wide char-
         acter  with  no  multibyte  representation  in  the  current
         locale.  They all call opfx().
      Output prefix and suffix functions
         int i = ostr.opfx()
              Performs setup common to all insertion operations.   If
              the  error state of ostr is non-zero, opfx returns zero
              immediately.  If a stream is tied to ostr (see  tie  in
              ios(3C++)),  the tied stream is flushed.  Function opfx
              returns zero if any  error  condition  is  encountered,
              non-zero   otherwise.   User-defined  inserters  should
              start by calling opfx.
              Performs followup  actions  at  the  conclusion  of  an
              insertion  operation.   If ios::unitbuf is set, flushes
              the stream.  If ios::stdio is set, flushes  stdout  and
              stderr.  (See ios(3C++).)  It has no return value.  All
              predefined inserters call  osfx,  but  the  unformatted
              output functions do not.  User-defined inserters should
              call osfx before returning.
      Formatted output (insertion) functions
         The formatted output functions call opfx().  If  it  returns
         zero,  no  further  action  takes place.  The functions also
         call osfx() before returning (if opfx() succeeded).
         ostr << sbufp
              If ostr.opfx() returns non-zero, inserts all the  char-
              acters  into  ostr  that that can be extracted from the
              streambuf pointed to by  sbufp.   No  padding  is  per-
              formed.  Returns a reference to ostr.  You can use this
              function to copy a stream efficiently, but  you  should
              be sure that neither stream is tied.  For example:
                        #include <iostream.h>
                        {   // copy cin to cout
                            cout << cin.rdbuf(); // see ios(3C++) for rdbuf
                            return 0;
         ostr << x
              If ostr.opfx(0) returns  non-zero,  inserts  characters
              representing  x  into  ostr.   If opfx returns zero, no
              action is taken.  Any errors encountered  are  recorded
              in  the  error  state  of ostr.  These functions always
              return a reference  to  ostr.   User-written  functions
              should be of the form
                   ostream& operator<< (ostream&, SomeType)
              and should conform to these principles.
              The type of x and the format state of the ostream  (see
              ios(3C++)  determine  the details of the conversion and
              insertion.  These functions do not change the state  of
              the ostream, except that the width variable is reset to
              zero after each formatted  insertion.   The  predefined
              formatted  inserters  and their conversion rules are as
         char, unsigned char, signed char
              Inserts the character x into ostr without conversion.
              Converts the wide character to multibyte representation
              and  inserts  onto  the  stream.  Sets ios::failbit and
              stops if the wide character has no multibyte  represen-
              tation in the current locale.
         short, unsigned short
         int, unsigned int
         long, unsigned long
              The representation consists of a sequence of ``digits''
              with  no  leading  zeros.  The digits and coversion are
              octal if ios::oct is set, hexadecimal  if  ios::hex  is
              set,  decimal if ios::dec or none of these is set.  For
              decimal conversion, if x is positive  and  ios::showpos
              is  set,  there  is  a leading plus sign (`+'); if x is
              negative there is a  leading  minus  sign  (`-').   The
              octal   and  hexadecimal  conversions  are  treated  as
              unsigned; no sign is  included.   If  ios::showbase  is
              set,  there is a leading `0' for octal conversion and a
              leading ``0x'' or ``0X''  for  hexadecimal  conversion,
              depending on whether ios::uppercase is set.
         float, double
              The value of x is converted according  to  the  current
              values  in  ostr  of precision, width, ios::scientific,
              ios::fixed, and ios::uppercase.  See ios(3C++).
              The  representation  is  the  sequence  of   characters
              pointed  to by x up to but not including the first null
              (0) character.
              Inserts the multibyte representation of the wide  char-
              acters  in  the array up to the first 0 wide character.
              Sets ios::failbit and stops if  it  encounters  a  wide
              character  with  no  multibyte  representation  in  the
              current locale.  Note that padding is based on a  field
              width measured in characters rather than bytes.  In the
              current implementation, the fill character is always  a
              single byte.
              The pointer is converted as  if  it  were  an  int  and
              ios::showbase and ios::hex were set.
      Unformatted output (insertion) functions
         These operations do not call opfx() or osfx().
              Inserts the character c  into  ostr.   Sets  the  error
              state   if  the  operation  fails.   Always  returns  a
              reference to ostr.
              Puts the multibyte representation of the wide character
              into  ostr.   Sets  the  error  state  if the operation
              fails.  Always returns a reference to ostr.
         ostr.write(ptr, len)
              Inserts exactly len characters starting  the  beginning
              of  the  char  array pointed to by ptr into ostr.  Sets
              the error state if the operation fails.  Always returns
              a reference to ostr.
         ostr.write(wptr, len)
              Puts out the multibyte representations of exactly count
              wide characters pointed to by wptr into ostr.
      Positioning functions
         These deal with the put pointer of the streambuf  associated
         with  an  ostream.  See sbufpub(3C++) for a complete discus-
         sion. Multibyte input operations may cause the  get  pointer
         of  the  streambuf  to  differ  from  the  value reported by
         tellg(), but seeks done  on  the  istream  rather  than  the
         streambuf  will  still  coordinate correctly with all opera-
         tions on the istream.
         ostr.seekp(off, dir)
              These set the position of the put pointer; they  return
              a reference to ostr.
         streampos pos = ostr.tellp()
              This returns the current position of the put pointer.
      Miscellaneous functions
              This causes any characters stored into  the  associated
              streambuf  to  be  flushed; for example, written to the
              output file.  It returns a reference to ostr.
      Predefined Manipulators
         A manipulator may be  used  apparently  as  an  inserted  or
         extracted  object,  but  many  only  change the state of the
         stream.  See manip(3C++) and ios(3C++) for more information.
         Several manipulators are predefined for use with ostreams.
         ostr << manip
              This is equivalent to the call manip(ostr).
         ostr << dec
              This sets the conversion base of ostr to 10.
         ostr << oct
              This sets the conversion base of ostr to 8.
         ostr << hex
              This sets the conversion base of ostr to 16.
         ostr << endl
              This ends a line by inserting a  newline  and  flushing
         ostr << ends
              This ends a string by inserting null (0) character into
         ostr << flush
              This is equivalent to calling ostr.flush().
         ios.intro(3C++), ios(3C++), manip(3C++), sbufpub(3C++),
         C++ 4.1 Library Reference Manual:
                 Chapter 4, "The Iostream Library",
                 Chapter 5, "Using libC in a Multithreaded Environment."

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