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access_control (4)
  • >> access_control (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         access_control - TeamWare access control file
         The access_control file  contains  information  about  which
         users  are  allowed  to  run TeamWare commands for a given a
         workspace. TeamWare was formerly known as CodeManager.  Each
         workspace   has  an  access  control  file  located  in  the
         Codemgr_wsdata  metadata  directory.   When  workspaces  are
         created, a default access control file is also created.
         The following are the predefined access  control  operations
         and their meaning:
         bringover-from                Access to use this workspace as the parent
                                       during a bringover operation
         bringover-to                  Access to use this workspace as the child
                                       during a bringover operation
         putback-from                  Access to use this workspace as the child
                                       during a putback operation
         putback-to                    Access to use this workspace as the parent
                                       during a putback operation
         undo                          Access to undo a bringover or putback operation in
                                       this workspace
         workspace-delete              Access to delete this workspace via the
                                       workspace delete command
         workspace-move                Access to move this workspace via the
                                       workspace move command
         workspace-reparent            Access to reparent this workspace via the
                                       workspace reparent command
         workspace-reparent-to         Access to reparent a child to this workspace
                                       via the workspace reparent command
         User entries are processed from left to right.  If a  user's
         name appears in the user list, or in a netgroup in the list,
         the user is granted access for  that  operation.   A  user's
         name  or  netgroup  name beginning with "-" is denied access
         for that operation.  A list that consists of only "-" denies
         everyone  access  for that operation.  If there are no users
         listed, then all users are granted access.
         Example file:
              bringover-from           @engineering
              bringover-to             @corp:-user1:@engineering
              putback-from             -
         In this example, the first line specifies that only users in
         netgroup   engineering   can  execute  bringovers  from  the
         workspace.  The second line specifies that  anyone  in  net-
         group corp can execute a bringover into the workspace.  Also
         anyone in the netgroup engineering can do a bringover except
         user1  unless  he  is in netgroup corp.  The third line says
         that no one can do a putback from the workspace.  All  users
         have access to the remainder of the commands.
         The default access control file is  (where  creator  is  the
         login name of the user who created the workspace):
              workspace-delete         creator
              workspace-move           creator
              workspace-reparent       creator
              workspace-reparent_to    creator
         TeamWare User's Guide
         bringover(1),  def.dir.flp(1),  fileresolve(1),  putback(1),
         resolve(1),  twmerge(1),  ws_undo(1), workspace(1), args(4),
         children(4),  conflicts(4),  history(4),  locks(4),   namet-
         able(4), notification(4), parent(4), putback.cmt(4)

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