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"Зависание FreeBSD 6.0 при ребуте..."
Отправлено KG, 14-Ноя-05 13:46 
Вот этому надо было руководствоваться, вторая часть :)

How to flash Acceleraid 170 disk Array controller with firmware level 6.00-0-07 or below then follow the steps listed below.

-Must backup your configuration on the floppy disk recommended.

-Print read me file before flashing the controller.
-The flash files will not fit on a one floppy disk. You need two floppy disk.

-Please copy the next three files on floppy disk 1.

Flpstep.000     (step file)
Klp70002.000  (Boot block)
Ez30010.img   (Ezassist)

-Please copy the next four files to floppy disk 2.

Flp70200.000 (Firmware)
Blp62100.039 (BBS) Bios
Blp60100.039 (non BBS) Bios
Dlp12400.img (Diagnostic)

-Use ALT + R function during startup/boot up.
-ALT + R function will run configuration and utility.
-Advance options.
-Update flash code.
*You must flash the following files in a given order ------------------------------------------------------ -----                    

-Flpstep.000       [STEP FILE]
-Klp70002.000    [Boot block]
-Ez30010.img     [ezassist]

-Must exit ezassist configuration and utility and must reboot.
-Use ALT + R function during the startup.
-Flash the following files in a given order.

-Flp70200.000   (FIRMWARE)

- You need to flash either BBS or Non BBS file from the next two files.
   You must read the last section of this Read me file to decide if you need to flash BBS
   Bios or non-bbs bios.

- Blp60100.039   (Non BBS) Bios.
- Blp62100.039   (bbs Bios) Bios.

-The next file is Diagnostic. It is optional and may not have any impact if flashed or not.
- Dlp12400.img   (Diagnostic)

What is BBS and Non BBS?
BBS is called Boot Block specifications.

If your Motherboard is supporting BBS function, flash the BBS version Bios flp62100.039.
if your motherboard does not support BBS function then flash with non-BBS support blp60100.039 (Bios).
You must consult your Motherboard manufacturer prior to flashing this controller.

Еще раз повтори, я первый раз тоже намудрил, эффекта не было :)


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