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limits (4)
  • limits (1) ( FreeBSD man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • >> limits (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         limits - header for implementation-specific constants
         #include <limits.h>
         The header <limits.h> is a list of minimal magnitude limita-
         tions  imposed by a specific implementation of the operating
         _ARG_MAX32     1048320                      /* max length of arguments to  exec
                                                     32-bit program */
         _ARG_MAX64     2096640                      /* max length of arguments to  exec
                                                     64-bit program */
         CHAR_BIT       8                            /* max # of bits in a char */
         CHAR_MAX       255                          /* max value of a char */
         CHAR_MIN       0                            /* min value of a char */
         CHILD_MAX      25                           /* max # of processes per  user  id
         CLK_TCK        _sysconf(3)                  /* clock ticks per second */
         DBL_DIG        15                           /* digits of precision of a  double
         DBL_MAX        1.7976931348623157E+308      /* max decimal value of a double*/
         DBL_MIN        2.2250738585072014E-308      /* min decimal value of a double*/
         FCHR_MAX       1048576                      /*  historical  default  file  size
                                                     limit in bytes */
         FLT_DIG        6                            /* digits of precision of  a  float
         FLT_MAX        3.40282347e+38F              /* max decimal value of a float */
         FLT_MIN        1.17549435E-38F              /* min decimal value of a float */
         INT_MAX        2147483647                   /* max value of an int */
         INT_MIN        (-2147483647-1)              /* min value of an int */
         LINK_MAX       1000                         /* max # of links to a single  file
         LOGNAME_MAX    8                            /* max # of characters in  a  login
                                                     name */
         LONG_BIT       32                           /* # of bits in a long */
         LONG_MAX       2147483647L                  /* max  value  of  a  long  int  if
                                                     _ILP32 defined */
                        9223372036854775807L         /* max value of a long int if _LP64
                                                     defined */
         LONG_MIN       (-2147483647-1L)             /* min  value  of  a  long  int  if
                                                     _ILP32 defined */
                        (-9223372036854775807L-1L)   /* min value of a long int if _LP64
                                                     defined */
         MAX_CANON      256                          /* max bytes in a line for  canoni-
                                                     cal processing */
         MAX_INPUT      512                          /* max size of a char input  buffer
         MB_LEN_MAX     5                            /* max # of bytes  in  a  multibyte
                                                     character */
         NAME_MAX       14                           /* max # of characters  in  a  file
                                                     name */
         NGROUPS_MAX    16                           /* max # of groups for a user */
         NL_ARGMAX      9                            /* max value of "digit" in calls to
                                                     NLS printf() and scanf() */
         NL_LANGMAX     14                           /* max # of bytes in a LANG name */
         NL_MSGMAX      32767                        /* max message number */
         NL_NMAX        1                            /* max # of bytes in N-to-1 mapping
                                                     characters */
         NL_SETMAX      255                          /* max set number */
         NL_TEXTMAX     255                          /* max #  of  bytes  in  a  message
                                                     string */
         NZERO          20                           /* default process priority */
         OPEN_MAX       20                           /* max # of  files  a  process  can
                                                     have open */
         PASS_MAX       8                            /* max # of characters in  a  pass-
                                                     word */
         PATH_MAX       1024                         /* max # of characters  in  a  path
                                                     name */
         PID_MAX        999999                       /* max value for a process ID */
         PIPE_BUF       5120                         /* max # bytes atomic in write to a
                                                     pipe */
         PIPE_MAX       5120                         /* max # bytes written to a pipe in
                                                     a write */
         SCHAR_MAX      127                          /* max value of a "signed char" */
         SCHAR_MIN      (-128)                       /* min value of a "signed char" */
         SHRT_MAX       32767                        /* max value of a "short int" */
         SHRT_MIN       (-32768)                     /* min value of a "short int" */
         STD_BLK        1024                         /* # bytes in a physical I/O  block
         SYS_NMLN       257                          /* 4.0 size of utsname elements */
                                                     /* also defined in sys/utsname.h */
         SYSPID_MAX     1                            /* max pid of system processes */
         TMP_MAX        17576                        /* max # of unique names  generated
                                                     by tmpnam */
         UCHAR_MAX      255                          /* max value of an "unsigned  char"
         UID_MAX        2147483647                   /* max value for a user or group ID
         UINT_MAX       4294967295                   /* max value of an  "unsigned  int"
         ULONG_MAX      4294967295UL                 /* max value of an  "unsigned  long
                                                     int" if _ILP32 defined */
                        18446744073709551615UL       /* max value of an  "unsigned  long
                                                     int" if _LP64 defined */
         USHRT_MAX      65535                        /* max value of an "unsigned  short
                                                     int" */
         USI_MAX        4294967295                   /*  max   decimal   value   of   an
                                                     "unsigned" */
         WORD_BIT       32                           /* # of bits in a word or int */
         The following POSIX definitions  are  the  most  restrictive
         values  to  be  used by a  POSIX-conforming application (see
         standards(5)).  Conforming  implementations  shall   provide
         values at least this large.
         _POSIX_ARG_MAX         4096       /* max length of arguments to exec
         _POSIX_CHILD_MAX       6          /* max # of processes per user  ID
         _POSIX_LINK_MAX        8          /* max # of links to a single file
         _POSIX_MAX_CANON       255        /* max # of bytes  in  a  line  of
                                           input */
         _POSIX_MAX_INPUT       255        /* max  #  of  bytes  in  terminal
                                           input queue */
         _POSIX_NAME_MAX        14         /* # of bytes in a filename */
         _POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX      0         /* max # of groups in a process */
         _POSIX_OPEN_MAX        16         /* max # of files  a  process  can
                                           have open */
         _POSIX_PATH_MAX        255        /* max # of characters in a  path-
                                           name */
         _POSIX_PIPE_BUF        512        /* max # of bytes atomic in  write
                                           to a pipe */

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