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dthelpprint (1)
  • >> dthelpprint (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         dthelpprint   -   print   utility   for   DtHelpDialog   and
         DtHelpQuickDialog widgets
         dthelpprint [options]
         Options controlling what to print:
         -helpType      type          type of Help data.
         -helpType      type          type of Help data.  type = 0
                                      (help volume), 1 (string), 2
                                      (man page), 3 (help file)
         -helpVolume    volume        full path of Help volume file.
         -locationId    location      name of Help topic in the
         -allTopics                   print all topics, toc, & index.
         -subTopics                   print topic locationId and all
         -oneTopic                    print topic locationId.
         -toc                         print Help volume table of con-
         -index                       print Help volume index.
         -frontMatter                 print Help volume front matter.
         -manPage       manpagename   name of man page.
         -stringData    string        Help text to print.
         -helpFile      filename      file containing Help text.
         -topicTitle    title         title string for Help text.
         Options controlling how to print:
         -printer      printername      printer to use.
         copies        number           number of copies to print.
         -outputFile   filename         write output to this file.
         -paperSize    size             format content to this paper
         -paperSize    size             format content to this paper
                                        size.  size =
         -display      displayname      display from which to get
         -name         name             program name used when getting
         -class        name             class name used when getting
         -xrm          resourcestring   additional resources.
         The dthelpprint utility is a private utility used by DtHelp-
         Dialog(3) and DtHelpQuickDialog(3) for printing Help
         information.  It is not a public utility, and no effort to
         maintain backwards compatibility will be made across ver-
         sions.  That said, it is sometimes useful to use dthelpprint
         directly and to configure its operation.
         The dthelpprint utility processes help topics and can send
         the output to a printer or to a specified output file.  The
         dthelpprint utility is an integral part of the CDE Help Sys-
         tem.  Access to dthelpprint is provided by the dthelpview(1)
         client's Print dialog, an application's Help window, or
         through a utility line shell.
         The dthelpprint utility can print plain text strings, plain
         text files, Unix man pages, and CDE Help volumes.  CDE Help
         volumes are printed without any graphics, and there is no
         indication of missing graphics.  The standard man(1) and
         dthelpview(1) search paths are used to find manual pages and
         CDE Help volumes; Help volumes and files may be specified
         with an absolute pathname.
         The dthelpprint utility has two sets of utility line
         options.  The first set controls what should be printed.
         The second set controls how it should be printed.  All
         option names must be used exactly as given.  An alternative
         to specifying options on the utility line is to specify them
         using resources in an app-defaults file.  This is useful for
         changing the default values from those given below.  See the
         RESOURCE OVERVIEW heading in this manual page for more
            Options controlling what to print:
            -helpType type
                  The type of Help data to print.  This is a numeric
                  value, as follows:  0=help volume, 1=string, 2=man
                  page, 3=help file.  The default value is 0, a Help
            -helpVolume volume
                  The name of the volume holding the topics to be
                  printed.  If volume is unqualified, the standard
                  dthelpview(1) search paths are used to locate the
                  volume; these are also covered in the ENVIRONMENT
                  VARIABLES heading in this manual page.  The volume
                  may also be specified relative to the current
                  directory by beginning the volume name with "./" or
                  "../". This option is useful only in conjunction
                  with a -helpType of 0 (zero).
            -locationId location
                  The starting topic for processing topics of a Help
                  volume.  The location must be a text string used by
                  the author to mark a location in the volume.  The
                  default value is _hometopic, which is the top topic
                  of a CDE Help volume.  This option is useful only
                  in conjunction with -helpVolume.
                  Instructs dthelpprint to print the entire help
                  volume, including front matter, table of contents,
                  all topics, and an index.  This option is useful
                  only in conjunction with -helpVolume.
                  Instructs dthelpprint to print the topic specified
                  by -locationId and all the subtopics of that topic.
                  This option is useful only in conjunction with
                  Instructs dthelpprint to print the topic specified
                  by -locationId.  This option is useful only in con-
                  junction with -helpVolume.
            -toc  Instructs dthelpprint to print the Table of Con-
                  tents of the specified helpVolume.  This option is
                  useful only in conjunction with -helpVolume.
                  Instructs dthelpprint to print the Index of the
                  specified helpVolume.  This option is useful only
                  in conjunction with -helpVolume.
                  Instructs dthelpprint to print the front matter of
                  the specified helpVolume.  Front matter includes
                  the volume title, abstract, and copyright informa-
                  tion.  This option is useful only in conjunction
                  with -helpVolume.
            -stringData string
                  Specifies a string to print.  This option is useful
                  only in conjunction with a -helpType of 1.
            -manPage manpagename
                  Specifies the name of the Unix man page to print.
                  This option is useful only in conjunction with a
                  -helpType of 2.
            -helpFile filename
                  Specifies a file to print.  This option is useful
                  only in conjunction with a -helpType of 3.
            Options controlling how to print:
            -printer printername
               Specifies which printer to use.  If this isn't speci-
               fied as a utility-line option or resource, the default
               value is taken from the environment variable LPDEST.
            -copies number
               Specifies how many copies to produce.  The default
               value is 1.  This option is only ignored when generat-
               ing an output file.
            -outputFile filename
               Specifies a file to hold the print-ready output.  If
               this option is specified, no output is sent to the
            -paperSize size
               Specifies a size of paper to which the output should
               be formatted.  There are five valid values for size:
               help_papersize_letter, help_papersize_legal,
               help_papersize_executive, help_papersize_a4,
               help_papersize_b5.  The default value is
            -display displayname
               Specifies the X display used to retrieve resource
               values.  Typical format for displayname is
               hostname:display_number.screen_number.  If no screen
               number is specified, the first screen (0) is used.
               See also X(1)
            -name name
               Specifies the application name under which resources
               are to be obtained.  The default is dthelpprint.  The
               resource way also be used to specify
               the name.
            -class classname
               Specifies the application class name under which
               resources are to be obtained.  The default is dthelp-
               print.  The resource application.class may also be
               used to specify the class name.
            -xrm resourcestring
               Specifies an addition to the resource database used by
               this invocation of the program.
         The dthelpprint utiity uses resources in addition to
         utility-line options to configure its operation.  There are
         many more resources available for this purpose than
         utility-line options.  To set a resource on the utility
         line, use the -xrm option.
         The application class is dthelpprint unless specified other-
         wise with the application.class or Application.Class
         resources or the -class option.  The application instance
         name is the name used to run the program (usually dthelp-
         print) unless specified otherwise with the
         or Application.Name resource or the -name option.  In the
         following coverage of resource specifications, the
         application's class name and instance name can be used
         interchangably; however, if the same resource is specified
         more than once, the instance-specific resource takes pre-
         cedence over the class resource.  In addition, when a value
         can be specified using either a resource or utility-line
         option, the utility-line option value takes precedence.
         The dthelpprint utility has three types of resources.
            Help Content   These resoures specify what to print.
                           Typically, these values are specified
                           using utility-line options instead of
            Content Processing
                           These resources specify in more detail the
                           configuration of how to print.  These
                           resources include some values that can be
                           specified with utility-line options, but
                           also many others.
            Printer Configuration:
                           The dthelpprint utility allows printer-
                           specific configurations to be specified.
                           The configuration used is controlled by
                           the value of the printer resource or
                           -printer option.
         These resources specify what to print.  The syntax for
         specifying the resources is
            Dthelpprint*resource:resource value
         For example, Dthelpprint*helpVolume: aVolume.sdl is used to
         specify the name of the Help volume.
      Basic Resource Set
            Name            Class             Type          Default
         locationId       LocationId        string         _HOMETOPIC
         helpVolume       HelpVolume        string         NULL
         manPage                            ManPage
         stringData       StringData        string         NULL
         helpFile         HelpFile          string         NULL
         topicTitle       TopicTitle        string         NULL
         helpType         HelpType          string         NULL
         These Help-content resources are defined in DtHelpDialog(3).
         The following content options are specific to dthelpprint.
         Setting the resource to any value makes it True.
      Additional Resource Set
            Name              Class             Type         Default
         allTopics         AllTopics          string         NULL
         subTopics         SubTopics          string         NULL
         oneTopic          OneTopic           string         NULL
         toc               Toc                string         NULL
         index             Index              string         NULL
         frontMatter       FrontMatter        string         NULL
         These Help-content resources have the same meaning as the
         dthelpprint utility-line options of the same name.
         These resources specify how to print.  The syntax for speci-
         fying the resources is:
            Dthelpprint*resource:resource value
         For example, Dthelpprint*printer: aPrinter is used to
         specify the name of the printer.
      Basic Resource Set
            Name             Class             Type          Default
         printer           Printer           string          NULL
         copies            Copies            string          NULL
         outputFile        OutputFile        string          NULL
         paperSize         PaperSize         string          NULL
         display           Display           string          NULL
         These Help-processing resources have the same meaning as the
         dthelpprint utility-line options of the same name.  It is
         used to specify the name of the printer.
      Additional Resource Set
               Name                Class            Type     Default
        evenTocHeader        EvenTocHeader        string     see below
        oddTocHeader         OddTocHeader         string     see below
        evenTocFooter        EvenTocFooter        string     see below
        oddTocFooter         OddTocFooter         string     see below
        evenBodyHeader       EvenBodyHeader       string     see below
        oddBodyHeader        OddBodyHeader        string     see below
        evenBodyFooter       EvenBodyFooter       string     see below
        oddBodyFooter        OddBodyFooter        string     see below
        evenIndexHeader      EvenIndexHeader      string     see below
        oddIndexHeader       OddIndexHeader       string     see below
        evenIndexFooter      EvenIndexFooter      string     see below
        oddIndexFooter       OddIndexFooter       string     see below
        echoCommand          EchoCommand          string     echo
        echoArgs             EchoArgs             string     "%s"
        foldCommand          FoldCommand          string     fold
        foldArgs             FoldArgs             string     -w %d %s
        prCommand            PrCommand            string     pr
        prArgs               PrArgs               string     see below
        prOffsetArg          PrOffsetArg          string     -o%d
        manCommand           ManCommand           string     man
        manArgs              ManArgs              string     %s
        redirectCmdAndArgs   RedirectCmdAndArgs   string     > %s
        lpCommand            LpCommand            string     lp
        shCommand            ShCommand            string     see below
        iconvCmdAndArgs      IconvCmdAndArgs      string     see below
    evenTocHeader, oddTocHeader, evenTocFooter, oddTocFooter,
    evenBodyHeader, oddBodyHeader, evenBodyFooter, oddBodyFooter,
    evenIndexHeader, oddIndexHeader, evenIndexFooter, oddIndexFooter
         The values of these resources are used as the header and
         footer strings only when printing Help volumes.  Header and
         footer strings are specified separately for odd and even
         pages to support double sided printing.  The strings may
         contain symbolic names for dynamic values.
         Dynamic values are updated each time the string is to be
         used.  Valid dynamic values are as follows:
       Symbol                              Value
    $LMARGIN       left margin blanks.
    $TODAY         today's date.
    $VOLDATE       date on the help volume file.
    $VOLUME        volume name.
    $VOLUMEFILL    filler for fixed sized 50 column volume name.
    $TOPIC         section topic title.
    $TOPICFILL     filler for fixed sized 50 column section topic title.
    $PAGENUM       page number.
    $PAGENUMFILL   filler for fixed sized 3 column page number.
    $SECTNUM       section number or name.
    $SECTNUMFILL   filler for fixed sized 8 column section number or name.
         The default values for the resources are as follows (To
         improve understanding, the blank spaces have been replaced
         with '.'.):
            evenTocHeader and oddTocHeader:
            evenTocFooter and oddTocFooter:
            evenBodyHeader and oddBodyHeader:
            evenBodyFooter and oddBodyFooter:
            evenIndexHeader and oddIndexHeader:
            evenIndexFooter and oddIndexFooter:
            echoCommand    The utility used to echo the stringData
                           from stdin to stdout.
            echoArgs       The argument string to the echoCommand.
                           The string must use printf formatting and
                           may reference this argument: STRING
            foldCommand    The utility used to fold a long string
                           into a formatted string with a maxiumum
                           column width.
            foldArgs       The argument string to the foldCommand.
                           The string must use printf formatting and
                           may referece these arguments: INT column
                           width, STRING filename.
            prCommand      The utility used to format a file in
                           preparation for printing.
            prArgs         The argument string to the prCommand. The
                           string must use printf formatting and may
                           reference these arguments:  STRING job
                           title, INT page height, STRING filename.
                           The default value is -h
            prOffsetArg    Sometimes the prArgs is augmented with the
                           option to offset the contents by n
                           columns.  The value contains the offset
                           argument.  The string must use printf for-
                           matting and may reference this argument:
                           INT column-offset.
            manCommand     The utility used to recover a formatted
                           Unix man page.
            manArgs        The argument string to the manCommand. The
                           string must use printf formatting and may
                           reference these arguments: STRING man-
                           When stdout is to be redirected to a file,
                           this utility and arguments are used.  The
                           string must use printf formatting and may
                           reference these arguments:  STRING
            lpCommand      The utility is used to print a file.  The
                           utility must accept the standard lp(1)
                           utility-line arguments.
            shCommand      The shell script used by dthelpprint to
                           actally invoke the lpCommand on the target
                           file.  The default value is
                           The utility is used to translate a file
                           from one character set to another.  The
                           argument string must use printf formatting
                           and may reference these arguments:  STRING
                           from-charset, STRING to-charset, STRING
                           source-file, STRING dest-file.  The
                           default value is iconv -f %s -t %s %s > %s
         These resources specify printer configuration.  This
         includes a default configuration as well as printer-specific
         configurations.  The syntax for specifying the resources is
            Dthelpprint*printer.resource:resource value
            Dthelpprint*printer.printerName.resource:resource value
         For example,
            Dthelpprint*printer.paperSize: help_papersize_legal
         set the default paper size to legal and the paper size on
         the printer named "laser-c4" to executive.
      Basic Resource Set
          Name              Class           Type           Default
    paperSize          PaperSize          String     help_papersize_letter
    colsWidth          ColsWidth          Int        0
    rowsHeight         RowsHeight         Int        0
    colsLeftMargin     ColsLeftMargin     Int        10
    colsRightMargin    ColsRightMargin    Int        10
    rowsTopMargin      RowsTopMargin      Int        6
    rowsBottomMargin   RowsBottomMargin   Int        6
         These resources are used to specify the printer configura-
         tion, specifically with respect to the paper used for print-
         ing.  Paper size can be specified either by using the paper-
         Size resource or by setting an explicit size with the
         colsWidth and rowsHeight resources.  The margin values
         specify the amount of white space retained around the page.
            paperSize      This resource can be used to set the paper
                           size to predefined dimensions.  Valid
                           values are help_papersize_letter, (8.5 x
                           11 in; 69 rows x 91 cols)
                           help_papersize_legal, (8.5 x 14 in; 88
                           rows x 91 cols) help_papersize_executive,
                           (7.25 x 10.5 in, 66 rows x 77 cols)
                           help_papersize_a4, (210 x 297 mm, 73 rows
                           x 88 cols) and help_papersize_b5 (182 x
                           257 mm, 63 rows x 76 cols).  If these
                           dimensions are insufficient, the colsWidth
                           and rowsHeight resources can be used to
                           provide explicit dimensions.  All dimen-
                           sions are given in columns and rows of
                           text in the default printer font.
            colsWidth      Width of the paper in columns of charac-
                           ters in the default printer font.  The
                           value may not be 0 (zero).
            rowsHeight     Height of the paper in rows of text in the
                           default printer font.  The value may not
                           be 0 (zero).
            colsLeftMargin Width of the left margin in columns of
                           characters in the default printer font.
                           Width of the right margin in columns of
                           characters in the default printer font.
            rowsTopMargin  Height of the top margin in rows of text
                           in the default printer font.
                           Height of the bottom margin in rows of
                           text in the default printer font.
         The CDE Help system uses two environment variables for
         locating Help volumes files within the desktop environment:
                           System search path environment variable
                           for locating Help volumes on local and/or
                           remote nfs mounted systems.
                           Users search path environment variable for
                           locating user specific Help volumes on
                           local and/or remote nfs mounted systems.
         Refer to DtHelpDialog(3) or DtHelpQuickDialog(3) for infor-
         mation of setting the DTHELP environment variables.
         The following are input files and resource databases are
         merged by dthelpprint to construct the complete resource
         database used by the program.  Resource collisions are
         resolved by having the last value take precedence.
            display resources or $HOME/.Xdefaults
            screen resources
            $XENVIRONMENT or $HOME/.Xdefaults-<hostname>
            utility-line resources
         The dthelpprint utility always generates an output file,
         either for sending to the printer or to place in a user-
         specified file.
            $HOME/.dt/tmp/phlp<process id>_<cnt>.txt
                           These are the temporary files generated by
                           the dthelpprint utility.  These files are
                           placed under the user's directory so that
                           remote systems can reach the file via NFS.
                           This file is generated in the current
                           directory when the debugHelpPrint resource
                           is defined.  The file constains the com-
                           plete set of resources used by dthelpprint
                           to configure its operation.
      Warning Messages
            Warning: Illegal or missing paper size. help_papersize_letter
                           Indicates an invalid or missing value of
                           the paperSize resource or -paperSize
                           option.  Specify the option on the utility
                           line or set a default resource value.
          help_papersize_letter used.
            Warning: Missing paper size and height and/or width.
                           Indicates that the printer.colsWidth or
                           printer.rowsHeight resource was used to
                           override the paperSize resource and at
                           least one is set to 0 (zero) or has an
                           invalid value.
            Warning: Unable to open display <display>
                           Indicates that the display specified by
                           the display resource or -display option
                           could not be opened.  This means that the
                           display's resources cannot be used to con-
                           figure dthelpprint.
      Error Messages
            Error: helpType is topic, but no helpVolume specified.
                           Indicates that the helpType resource or
                           -helpType option was 0 (zero) or unspeci-
                           fied and defaulted to 0 (zero) and no
                           helpVolume was specified.
            Error: unable to locate help volume <volume>
                           Indicates that the Help volume could not
                           be found.  This occurs when the volume
                           isn't correctly specified by a full or
                           relative path or doesn't exist in any
                           directory listed by the DtHelp environment
            Error: problem processing help volume <volume>
                           A problem occurred while processing some
                           part of the Help volume.
            Error: memory allocation failed
                           The program was unable to allocate neces-
                           sary memory.
          tionId <loc>
            Error: unable to get topic information:volume <vol>, loca-
                           Information about the specified location
                           in the specified volume was unavailable or
                           an error occurred while retrieving it from
                           the volume.
            Error: helpType is string, but no stringData specified.
                           The helpType resource or -helpType option
                           is 1 (string) but no stringData resource
                           or -stringData option was specified.
            Error: helpType is dynamic string, but no stringData speci-
                           The helpType resource or -helpType option
                           is 1 (dynamic string) but no stringData
                           resource or -stringData option was speci-
            Error: helpType is man page, but no manPage specified.
                           The helpType resource or -helpType option
                           is 2 (manual page) but no manPage resource
                           or -manPage option was specified.
            Error: helpType is file, but no helpFile specified.
                           The helpType resource or -helpType option
                           is 3 (plain text file) but no helpFile
                           resource or -helpFile option was speci-
            Error: Illegal helpType <number>.
                           The helpType resource or -helpType option
                           is not in the range 0 to 3.
            Error: unable to allocate memory for temporary file
                           The memory needed to create the temporary
                           file name couldn't be allocated.
            Error: unable to open temporary file
                           The temporary file couldn't be opened for
            dthelpprint -helpVolume Help4Help -allTopics -outputFile
            dthelpprint -helpVolume Help4Help -toc -index -printer hplj3
            dthelpprint -helpType 1 -stringData 'test string' -printer
            dthelpprint -helpType 2 -manPage grep -outputFile
            dthelpprint -helpType 3 -helpFile aFile -printer hplj3
         DtHelpDialog(3), DtHelpQuickDialog(1), dthelpview(1),
         man(1), CDE Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide.

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