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dpkg-buildpackage ()
  • >> dpkg-buildpackage (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    dpkg-buildpackage - build binary or source packages from sources


    dpkg-buildpackage [options]  


    dpkg-buildpackage is a control script which can be used to help automate the building of a package.  


    Specifies a binary-only build, no source files are to be built and/or distributed, and
    Specifies a binary-only build, no architecture independent binary package files are to be distributed either.
    Specifies a source-only build, no binary packages need to be made.

    These options control whether the original source archive is included in the upload generated by dpkg-buildpackage if any source is being generated (i.e., -b or -B haven't been used).

    Include the original source if the version number ends in -0 or -1, i.e. if the Debian revision part of the version number is 0 or 1. This is the default.
    Forces the inclusion of the original source.
    Forces the exclusion of the original source and includes only the diff.
    Specify the Debian architecture we build for. The architecture of the machine we build on is determined automatically, and is also the default for the host machine.
    Use changelog information from all versions strictly later than version.
    Read the description of the changes from the file changesdescription rather than using the information from the source tree's changelog file.
    Use maintaineraddress as the name and email address of the maintainer for this package, rather than using the information from the source tree's control file.
    Use maintaineraddress as the name and email address of the maintainer for this upload, rather than using the information from the source tree's changelog.
    Check build dependencies and conflicts; abort if unsatisfied.
    Do not check build dependencies and conflicts.
    Turn certain errors into warnings. Only dpkg-source uses this, but dpkg-buildpackage recognizes it, and passes it thru to dpkg-source.
    Negates a previously set -W. Only dpkg-source uses this, but dpkg-buildpackage recognizes it, and passes it thru to dpkg-source.
    Do not clean the source tree (implies -b).
    Clean the source tree (using gain-root-command debian/rules clean) after the package has been built.
    When dpkg-buildpackage needs to execute part of the build process as root, it prefixes the command it executes with gain-root-command if one has been specified. gain-root-command should be the name of a program on the PATH and will get as arguments the name of the real command to run and the arguments it should take. gain-root-command should not contain spaces or any other shell metacharacters. gain-root-command might typically be fakeroot, sudo, super or really. su is not suitable, since it requires a -c option to run a command and even then it can only invoke the user's shell with -c instead of passing arguments individually to the command to be run.
    When dpkg-buildpackage needs to execute GPG or PGP to sign a source control (.dsc) file or a .changes file it will run sign-command (searching the PATH if necessary) instead of pgp. sign-command will get all the arguments that pgp would have gotten. If sign-command takes its arguments in GPG rather than PGP style, you should give the -sgpg option. sign-command should not contain spaces or any other shell metacharacters.
    Specify a key-ID to use when signing packages.
    Do not sign the source package.
    Do not sign the .changes file.
    Passed unchanged to dpkg-source.
    Passed unchanged to dpkg-source. May be repeated multiple times.
    Change the location of the dpkg database. The default location is /var/lib/dpkg.
    -h, --help
    Show the usage message and exit.
    Show the version and exit.


    It should be possible to specify spaces and shell metacharacters in and initial arguments for gain-root-command and sign-command.  


    dpkg-source(1), dpkg-architecture(1), dpkg-genchanges(1), gpg(1), pgp(1).  


    Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Ian Jackson
    Copyright (C) 2000 Wichert Akkerman

    This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later for copying conditions. There is NO WARRANTY.




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