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"Релиз распределенной системы управления исходными текстами G..."
Отправлено Kibab, 10-Апр-12 20:02 
Тем кто и сейчас ничего не понял, вот в помощь несколько выдержек:
We immediately lose the concept of version numbers. A downstream consumer has to use the git tools to query if a particular change is present in their stream. That has implications for security alerts as you have to be a git consumer. (Unless they're on a release CDROM image cycle of course.)


Or the tree is locked while somebody is uploading from a 28.8k modem in the back of Nigeria.

It's not so much an issue for Linus because there are so few committers to the root tree. It's a pull model.


Basically, committing to a shared repo with git is really really hostile and not a design feature. It assumes there is somebody like Linus to receive patches in email and merge them into their repo locally and publish the results, rather than having 300 people racing each other to try and get a commit in before their rebased work is invalidated or branches go stale.

But git is not designed for hundreds of people pushing to a shared repo with branches.
git really is designed with a single committer who publishes their work in mind.


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